Brace yourselves. Here comes holiday traveling, being in close quarters with lots of people and cold and flu season. As a mom of 3 kids, I try, oh so hard, to minimize trips to the doctor, missing school and spreading germs! There are a few tried and true things I swear by, if we do happen to get sick. I prefer to stick to natural options before we hit the doctor and these things seem to work well for my family. Here are my 5 cold and flu season essentials!

Thieves Essential Oil
I diffuse this in the air, as well as rubbing it on the bottom of the sick persons feet. I think people either love or hate essential oils, but they work really well for us and I love them! (Thieves should be mixed with a carrier oil, like coconut, so it doesn’t irritate the skin.) I have this little diffuser and it does a fantastic job! There is a newer version now available that I think I need for upstairs! There are several brands of oils, but I’ve always used Young Living and that is who makes the Thieves oil.
Scotties Tissues
We blow through tissues around here, especially since I have little ones that like to wipe their noses anytime they see someone else do it! Scotties tissues are a high-quality facial tissue at a great price. I love that the variety in the box designs allows me to have tissues all over my house (and I totally do!), without being an eyesore. Neutrals and pretty patterns are what I need!
Elderberry Syrup
Once a thing only for health food stores and hippies, elderberry syrup has become commonly accepted as a great, natural, cold medicine. I give it to my kids preventatively and then double down if anyone shows signs of sickness. I have bought it at my local farmer’s market, but it’s also really easy to make yourself. I make it with these dried berries online and will post the recipe below.
Maty’s Chest Rub
No one in our house has ever been prone to chest congestion and coughing, until Lincoln. If he ever gets a cold, it immediately starts to settle in his chest. I love the Maty’s chest rub for him and started using it last year. In combination with the humidifier, I can usually stop the congestion before it progresses too far now.
Speaking of, moist air is the best friend of cold and flu season. It’s such an easy thing to use on a semi-regular basis and can make a congested person sleep more comfortably. I set mine up at the first sign of a cold and keep it going for several days. It’s even great to use if you struggle with winter dry skin!
If you’re interested in trying to make elderberry syrup, this recipe is pretty simple and ends up much cheaper than if you try to buy it made.
Elderberry Syrup Recipe
- 2/3 cup dried elderberries
- 3 1/2 cups water
- 2 Tbsp fresh or dried ginger root
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp whole cloves or powder
- 1 cup raw honey (get it locally for the best benefit)
Mix all ingredients except honey in a stockpot. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 45 minutes – 1 hour. Strain. Once cooled completely, stir in honey. Store in a sealed jar (mason jars work well) and store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.
- Children under 2: 1 tsp
- Children 2+: 1/2 Tbsp
- Children 12+ and adults: 1 Tbsp
Give hourly at the onset of symptoms, then taper off as you feel better. You can also use as an immunity booster and give 1-3 times a day.
Check out the Scotties website to enter to win their Deck The Halls giveaway. You could win a $2,500 gift card or a case of Scotties tissues to deck out your house with their seasonal prints!
*I’m not certified to provide medical advice. This is simply what works for my family!
Thank you, Scotties, for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.