This is exactly how you’ll find me, a couple days a week, plus one or two on the weekend. Wearing my sports gear to cheer for my son in baseball, or the other one in soccer. Hands full of snacks, diaper bag for the baby over my shoulder and smiling ear to ear.
I absolutely love this time of our lives. But as most of you know, it’s BUSY all. the. time. It feels especially busy right now, just getting back into the swing of school and starting the boy’s sports schedules.
So how do I deal? Here is my arsenal of mom hacks to save time and my sanity!
1. Plan. I have color coordinated my calendar for each member of the family and that helps me easily see who is booked on any given day. I also plan my meals around the schedule. I used to plan 1 month at a time, but lately with so much last minute stuff, I’ve been doing 1 week at a time. It still helps a ton with staying healthy and not resorting to eating out last minute, as well as being able to have the items I need on hand.
2. Make a car stash. Snacks, bottled water, diapers, wipes and even a change of clothes for little ones, makes being out and about so much easier. I don’t have to fill the diaper bag every time we leave the house and there are plenty of snacks in case we end up grumpy after 3 hours at the ball field.
3. Online shopping. I know most of us moms have already resorted to clothes shopping online, but what about groceries? I used to LOVE grocery shopping. And I still enjoy it, but it’s not anywhere near as fun when you have a line of littles behind you, pulling everything off the shelves. I’ve used Walmart’s grocery pickup service several times now and it’s a lifesaver. Last week, I realized that I was on for sport snacks that weekend. I really had no time for the store before the weekend, so I jumped online while I fed the baby and placed my grocery order!
I chose my time slot for the next morning, for in between preschool pickup and lunch at Cooper’s school. Then I went back on later that night and added a couple more items to my cart. (Those things I didn’t realize I needed for dinner the next night, deodorant and the baby wash that I kept forgetting to actually buy at the store.) I pulled up to the store the next day and within minutes, all of my groceries were placed right in the trunk. No removing babies from seats. No service fees. Just easy and quick and exactly what I needed. (Did I mention you can even order wine?!)
4. Set a timer. Speaking of present, that house isn’t getting picked up by itself, unfortunately! It’s so easy to get overwhelmed, so I set a timer for 20 minutes and blow through tidying up. Better yet, when I get my kids to “play” along. I use this timer approach often when I’m trying to work, too. It helps me to stay focused and I find I’m far more productive.
5. Make time for yourself. Workout. Go on a date night. Sit on the back deck. Grab a drink with your friends. If you don’t have some down time to not worry about taking care of someone, you will get burned out. I know sometimes it seems that your schedule can’t afford it, but you can’t afford to not do it!
What are some of your favorite ways to save time?
Have you tried Walmart’s free grocery pickup service?
This list is super helpful! I definitely need to get to #5! Thanks!