Threenager / noun / thrē-nāj-er
A person, age 3 years old, possessing the attitude and demeanor of a teenager.

I don’t think I ever expected parenting to be so different for different children. Cooper and Callan have some shared interest, and similarities, but they are tremendously different kids. The latter, being the classic Threenager.

Callan is amazingly loving. He rubs my belly and tells me how much he loves me and his baby brother on the regular. But just as often, he’s telling me I’m the “baddest big girl”. That usually comes after he’s told to put on his shoes, to try to potty or that he has to hold my hand to cross the street. You know, the really mean stuff.

He’s a total ham. He’ll have you laughing like crazy at his silly faces and dances, then as soon as you don’t laugh in the right octave, look out. You may have a matchbox car flying high speed at your head.

I remind myself that Cooper did, in fact, go through one of these very pleasant phases around the same age, but, thankfully, it’s easily forgotten. The difference now, is that I have 2 boys to parent, one of which happens to be pinned under a threenager in an epic wrestling match.

My heart has a big spot for my rough and tumble second born. Forever the middle child, I know I’m totally in for it after all the middle child-ing I put my parents through. It’s amazing how frustrated you can be at your child’s behavior and yet at the same time, your heart feels like it may burst with love for them. I just thank God that there’s bedtime, where I can sneak in and watch this little angelic face sleeping. I can’t believe I only have less than 12 weeks of him being my baby!

The other pictures are cute, but if you really want to see what a Threenager looks like, this sums it up perfectly.

Outfit: FabKids (May be my favorite one so far!) Sign up here to buy one outfit and get one free!
Congrats on boy #3! I also have 3 boys (6,3,1mo) and all are C names. Going for another C name for #3?