A watch. You gotta keep track of the time so you get everywhere before noon.
Snacks. There is no time for stopping to get food. I repeat. NO TIME. (Starbucks is exempt!) Throw a water bottle, granola bars, trail mix, and CHOCOLATE in your purse. While you are in lines for forevas, you can snack! Keep some extras in the car so you can refill your purse in between stores.
Sunnies. It will be dark when you leave the house, but once the sun comes out and everyone can see the bags under your eyes, you will be ever so grateful for them.
Just say no to tennis shoes
They may be comfy, but they are a real pain to get on and off. Go with flats that you can walk all day in. Comfort, Comfort, Comfort
Leggings are the most comfortable choice, in my opinion. Your pants have to allow you to do the happy dance when you find great deals!
Go see Summer for more Fashion!

These pictures are freaking cracking me up, lady! Get it girl! I MAY do some internet shopping… but I'm not brave enough to go into the crowds! I think I'd get nasty! Hope you find some good deals! Happy Thanksgiving! xo
You've made me sad. I can't wear my velour track suit tomorrow? I'm afraid I'll be a fashion faux pas and do it anyway…will you still be my friend?
Haha! You are making me laugh so hard with these pictures. Great tips! I've only been black friday shopping for two years now and I have to say I wish I had known these tips then! The first year I was dying in heat…heavy tall boots, thick sweaters…no layers. And I was dying of hungry! I was a joy, let me tell ya. 🙂 Good luck tomorrow! 🙂
Oh my gosh, I LOVE it! The picture with the bags is cracking me up!!! You are so cute…have a great black Friday!!!
Can't wait to see what you find!!!
Hahaha love the pics! Very informative!
aww great pics with the advice!
Love it!! Great outfit, you will be the most fashionable Black Friday shopper of all!! 🙂 Happy shopping tomorrow!!
You always look so good! And I must say you're making me want to go out and buy some leggings (which I haven't owned since I was, like 10!!) We'll see!
Great pictures! The last one is my favorite!
You are so brave going out in the crowds! Unless there is something I am just dying for I stay home and sleep…like I did today.
Girl … you crack me up!! I would so love to shop with you!! I did the midnight madness sales … I shopped from 8pm to 4am!! That's an insomniac for ya! Ha! Hope you snagged some awesome deals!!
I was out super duper early this morning too. I LOVEEE the crowds! It's so much fun to get our before dark. 🙂
I wore boots with heels girl. Ouch! What was I thinking? Looked cute though. ha!
the picture with you and the bags is priceless. love it!
Haha! You are hilarious! So… what did you find?
LOLOL, great fashion guide! I actually worked with my husband on Friday – so I was rocking some high-waisted, pleated front pants…sooooo flattering to the post baby tummy…
haha this is so cute!!!
oh my gosh…you are HILARIOUS! that last picture makes me want to scream SCOOOORE!!! haha.
You are SOOOO my favorite girlfriend! Love you!
Leggings are always my go to comfort piece. Love those boots!
Hilarious! And you are so right about the leggings. I absolutely love them! Those boots are way cute (btw…)
LOL! How did I miss this post until now? Hilarious poses!
Cassandra ♥