That question could be asked for a whole host of things. Wearing makeup, dating, shaving your legs, drinking, smoking, sex, and the list goes on and on.
My concern now is this.
I am in the grocery store, pushing the cart down the aisle. There is a beautiful woman, with a baby in the cart coming towards me. It was obviously a little girl. Pink and brown cart cover, frilly dress, and a huge headband with a flower. (I adore those things.) She had a head full of dark curls and just perfect olive skin. I have an image in my head of how beautiful this little baby is. I start dreaming of having a little girl.
Will she have dark hair like mine? Will other people look at us in the store and start wishing for their own little model baby? Will I go broke shopping for this little princess?
As I get closer, I smile at the mom and pass her cart. I glance back to stare at this baby who I am sure will be the next Penelope Cruz.

The worst unibrow I have ever seen on a person, much less a baby. Oh, my. That was enough to make me terrified to have a daughter.
So the question, how young is too young to bring a baby (yes, BABY) into the salon for a wax?
Don’t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!!
HA! This is hilarious! Wow, I've never seen a little one with a unibrow! It would never be a question in my mind, though I'm not about inflicting pain on an infant- I am about not scaring my baby for the rest of his/her life! Maybe this is a matter of opinion?
Forget waxing– in that situation, go straight to the laser hair removal. Your daughter would thank you for the rest of her life for saving her from the trauma of having a unibrow.
HAHAHA! You are my twin, I swear.
I've always been terrified of having 1) an ugly baby, 2) a hairy baby, & 3) an ugly, hairy DAUGHTER. I would die, I think. Thankfully, my Euro-trash self isn't hairy at all. Hence, the bald daughter. Now which is worse of those two? haha
LOL Oh man, I totally wasn't expecting that at the end…
lol too funny!
So funny!
LMAO!! Break that baby in early! Teach her the wonderful joys of being a girl! Ha, ha!! Ain't no shame! If babies can get their ears pierced, then a little waxing shouldn't hurt either!
And this is why I am a momma to boys! :o)
I am going to agree with Kay.. the laser hair removal is the way to go. I wouldn't be above waxing though. People ask me all the time if I perm Addison's hair and it seems to be okay with the general public if I did(which I don't), so a little wax could save this little girl from unibrow trauma.
How funny. But what a poor little girl. I would hope that her mom would fix it asap.
hahahahaha…..that is SO funny!
There is no "too young" for a situation like that. Wax it off before she even knows it's there! Poor thing!!
haha that was the last thing I expected!! I really think I have heard somewhere that some kids have a lot of hair on their forehead when they are a baby and outgrow it, which I hope is what happens in this case. I really don't know how young would be too young, I guess if the kid asks for it get it done.
I knew a baby like that once! With a HORRIBLE unibrow! It was awful. She's like 12 now and I'm pretty sure she still has it! I also knew a little girl from back in my babysitting days with a HAIRY BACK! Yes, you read that right. She had hair on her back so long, I swear you could braid it. I have no idea what happened to her back hair, but she's in college now, and actually has a boyfriend, so maybe it didn't hinder her TOO much. Poor thing.
That cracks me UP! Honestly, not sure what I'd do. Poor kid, though. How embarassing! She'll probably grow up and kick her mom's butt for it later in life.
oh no! too funny!
poor little baby, i dont know what i would do!
Wow. Poor kid. When I was up getting a round of laser hair removal done {about 8 years ago} a mom came in and asked if her 8 year old daughter could get it done {not sure for what body part…face perhaps}. The nurses were all like WTF? she's only 8. That shit is painful! It can cause scaring if done wrong {imagine how delicate 8 year old skin is}. Crazy…
Ha! I about spewed water all over my screen! That is the funniest, most unexpected ending…EVER!
No advice though. I think I would have to swear she wasn't mine!
That reminds me…I need to take time to go get my eyebrows waxed…plucking doesn't last as long.
LMAO! You seriously crack me up! Um, maybe she could pluck it? I don't know. I saw the prettiest little girl with a mustache and all I could think about it how much she's going to get picked on. Cruel world with the standards we set for our little ones!
Hahaha awww that is so sad!! I totally wasn't expecting that, I thought you were going to say she had make up on or something. Maybe the mom should consult the doctor to find out what the best method would be for the hair removal… I would be nervous to wax that soft baby skin!
LOL! As the mom of a toddler girl, I'm feeling very lucky right now. 🙂
Oh my! I have no idea! But, yeah, maybe laser hair removal for something that will be a problem forever. I mean, it isn't like cosmetic surgery or anything. That is too funny! Sort of. Not really. What a lousy problem to have to deal with.
Bahahaha!! Too funny!!
i have seen this on a little girl before and became quite anxious about if that would happen to my hypothetical children. i'd be upset if it was on a little boy, too, but it's def worse for a little girl. i think my solution would be some baby benadryl as a sedative and a round with the tweezers. 🙂 although i guess if they screamed bloody murder then it would be hard to do 🙁
haha that reminds me of the Seinfield episoide where they say the baby is "breathtaking" but in all reality its an "ugly baby" Yes I say a good pluck woudl'nt hurt LOL J/K
LMAO! That was in a word…Hysterical!