I totally forgot to post my 34 weeks bump date last week since I was all busy prepping for my family to get here. We had such a fun weekend! This is an outfit I wore while we were in Charleston last weekend. It was to pretty everywhere to not stop for a photo op!

Top: Old Navy, sold out, similar embroidered top here and here | Shorts: Lilly for Target, similar shorts here | Shoes: Rack Room Shoes, sold out, same available here | Bracelets: The Shine Project | Bag: JustFab | Watch: Michael Kors
How Far Along: 34 weeks
Size of baby: 19″-22″ and 4.9 lbs (pineapple size!)
Total Weight Gain: 24 lbs. Still can’t believe that.
Maternity Clothes: Mixing it up!
Gender: Baby boy that has a name and personalized clothes already! Eeeeek!
Movement: Yep!
Sleep: Pretty good this week.
What I miss: Nothing much. Trying to savor these last few weeks.
Cravings: Fruit and water!
Symptoms: Starting to get some low pressure and a serious case of nesting. Like everything needs to be done. RIGHT. NOW.
What I’m looking forward to: Baby!
Shop the look:
Happy Monday! Hope yours is filled with productivity and strong coffee!