Last week, I told you we were looking at a couple houses. This week, I’ll tell you, I’m lookin for boxes!! We are set to move in the first weekend in December. I cannot tell you how excited I am to be getting into a house. To not have to climb 3 flights of stairs while carrying a baby and tons of groceries. To be able to let Coop run into the backyard and not worry about him squeezing himself through the railing and down 30 feet. To not have to run down the stairs while drip drying, because my husband someone didn’t go down to the garage for more toilet paper when they used it all up. Did I mention how grateful I am?
The HUGE downfall is that I have to pack. When we moved here, the hubs company moved us, and I didn’t even pack my undies. 3 guys whipped through our house and everything was in the truck within 4 hours. Now that we are moving 2 miles away, the packing is up to moi. It wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t a pack rat. If I couldn’t admit it, it would be all sorts of wrong. But I can, and I’m totally fine with it. I like my stuff. My rock collection from when I was 12. The clothes I am saving for my daughter, because everything comes back in style. The box of stuffed animals in the garage. I have no intention of getting rid of it, so pack it up and keep hauling it from house to house!
I am suddenly regretting HAVING to have a red wall in my bedroom. Do I really have to paint over that? Bleh.
Congrats on moving into a house! I hate packing too though. 🙁
Congratulations on your new house!
Yey for your new house!!! Do you close soon?
Yay for a new house! Boo for having to pack and unpack.
Come help me when you get done!… Oh yeah, I have to get a house first. 🙂
I completely, 100% know what you're talking about when it comes to moving and looking around and realizing how much stuff you've held onto over the years. I'm a big pack rat at heart, too although I wish I wasn't. I try to throw/give something away daily. But yay for the new house!
Aww how exciting!!! Congratulations!! You'll have to tell us all about it!! 🙂
YAY!! that's so exciting hun!!
i would help you pack if i was near you! 😉
Congrats! I hate packing too. I always end up just throwing everything randomly into boxes and then I can't find anything when it's time to unpack!
How exciting!! You are going to LOVE having more space and less steps!! All of the packing will SO be worth it in the end! Congrats.
Yeah that is awesome news my dear!!! Yup Red is hard! do a gray primer first and then white it will go a lot faster! We painted the boys room red!
Packing is NEVER fun….but, I'm soooo excited about your new house!!! You'll just LOVE it!!! (if I lived near you, I would help you move…promise!!) 🙂
Congrats!! And I feel your pain. We bought our house when I was 8 mos. preggers. It was miserable packing and unpacking, but so worth it in the end!
Yeah for a new house! You will love it! Sorry you have to pack but your greatest trial usually is your greatest blessing and a new house will totally rock!
yay, that's so exciting! congratulations! good luck packing, we exactly how that is=), but hopefully the excitement will give you lots of packing energy=)!
Congrats Molly! Good luck with the packing… ick. The best advice I can give you is to over-label the hell out of everything! Like- Bedroom closet, Kitchen drawer, Kitchen cabinet, hall closet… you get me. That way when you are loading the stuff in, you know right where to bring it!
Congrats girly! This is awesome news!!