I always wanted curly hair. And my mom gave me just what I asked for with those pink sponge rollers you slept overnight in.
Every Easter
I would wake up hating it the next morning and would cry while trying to brush it out.
Every Easter
Then my mom made us do the unthinkable and take pictures in which I went into full pout mode for.

Every Easter
Aren’t I just the sweetest thing you ever saw? Bahahaha. I couldn’t resist showing you this pic after I scanned those in for my birthday. Which, by the way, was uhhhhmazing. Thank you all for the sweet birthday love!
Y’all are amazing!
Hilarious!!!!! I always wanted straight hair; in fact, I still do.
Cute pic! lol
LMAO hilarious
That is the best Easter picture I've ever seen!
I have curly hair that I straighten because it's not curly enough or straight-wanna trade? lol
Too funny! Glad I'm not the only one that had to wear the pink sponge curlers, lol.
That was me too! Every first day of school in elementary school! I always thought I wanted curly hair (because my sister's was curly) and it was never a good idea. 😉
lol. hilarious picture.
OMG SO funny! I love it! Thanks for sharing.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Please post this to awkwardfamilyphotos.com! MOLLY, this is PRICELESS! I can't stop laughing!
Hilarious!!! That is classic! happy belated birthday also..glad it was great!
I used to do the same thing! Ask for curly hair and do the pink roller thing. Then, when I was 12, my mom let my grandma perm it so i could look like mariah carrey (my dream) and my hair was never the same again 🙁
Cute pic! SOunds like how I was!
hahahaha…this is so funny!!
Those pink sponge rollers were the WORST!!
Haha!! Your sisters don't even look like your sisters! Ok maybe Casey, but definitely not Whitney.
Josh said he will never get that picture out of his head! You are definitely one of a kind jewel! We have laughed so hard our sides hurt! You are so humble to post that picture, I cant believe you did. You are a scream. We love you. Oh, by the way; which gift from Kirklands do you want or I guess if we were really good family folks we should truly consider getting it all for you!!!!!!
Oh, we will tell Santa just in case we forget anything.:)
Oh my gosh, down right hilarious! I LOVE LOVE LOVE old photographs, and that one girlfriend is a riot! At least you had hair though, my mom chopped mine and I looked like a freaking boy. Promised myself if God ever blessed me with a little girl, I would NEVER cut her hair and tourment her like my mom did me, ha! I got a boy instead, go figure! Hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving!