The thing I always heard horror stories of.
The thing that I prided myself in NEVER happening to me.
{I just must have the most understanding child ever}
The thing that would make non-mother’s stomachs churn up into their mouths.
IT was poop.
On little fingers, the bed, the sheets, the passies, the pajamas…everywhere.
Enough to strip all the sheets, blankets and bumper pad, bring out the clorox wipes, and deep sanitize the passies.
{And not take a picture until the cleaning was done}
And for the love of all things holy, I hope in NEVER happens again.
Oh no! My niece has done this on several occassions at her house and her grandma's house…I really hope it doesn't happen again! Poo parties are no fun!
gross. my sister did that when she was little. and for what it's worth, I am a mother, and it still makes my stomach churn. 🙂
Been there, done that! 🙂
Oh God….thankfully that has never happened to me!! I better knock on wood!!
Oh you poor thing! Hope Cooper is ok!!!
Yep have been there before, not so pleasant!!
molly, you poor thing! i hope you've stocked up on more sanitary wipes. hope coop is doing alright.
IT happened to me on vacation in California, in a HIGHCHAIR!!! Luckily I was at my parents house and had to wake my little brother up at 6 am to help me clean it. I must say it scars a mom and you are always on overload poop alert. LOL!!
we had this once happen in the crib and once happen after he was learning to walk, all over my walls. Like paint. Ikkk. I wanted to be sick.
omg. i pray pray PRAY this never happens to me. oh geez. we've had bad explosions but the smell has only gotten worse and with me being pregnant right now….omg. i'd die!
Been there, done that, in a BIG GIRL BED!!!! At least the crib contained him. I had poop footprints on the carpet. Awesome.
Oh noooooooooo!!! You poor thing!! I've only had to go through that once so far and it was before the 'big kid' poop came into the picture, THANK GOD. I don't know how I would've handled it! lol
Oh the joys of motherhood.
Jasper went through a phase of that when we lived in Sweden and had to cart all of our dirty laundry down four floors- AND had to have a signed up time usually from days in advance..left us with some 'illegal' laundry room usage at 2 am when no one was signed up several times..Not fun- it did make me have to get creative so during nap times I started putting his diaper on BACKWARDS- it totally worked, it wasn't nearly as easy to pull off and once we did that he was Donzo!
Thankfully IT never happened with any of my 3. We had a few explosive diapers while they were awake though. ANd once, J pooped in the bathtub. It was funny only b/c it was the hubs night for bathtime. I laughed the whole time he cringed.
Oh I am so sorry! I am nervous for the first time this happens at my house. Yuck!!
Oh no!:( My dad still recalls the day this happened to me on his watch. Uggggg-lyyyy!
Of all the shitty things I've experienced as a mother, somehow I was spared this one. I am forever thankful.
Gross!!! That happened to us a lot when my daughter had diarrhea issues. Hope that's the last of it for you!
My little one just came out of that phase. At least I hope she's done. She did it 5 or 6 times. I swear it's not because we don't changer her diaper. She'd do it before we knew she was stinky.