{Pretty certain Rachel Zoe herself would DIE over these shoes}
{I really should remember lipstick every now and then}
The hubs said I looked like I just won the WWE Championship.
Humm. I guess I see that.
So about 10 minutes before we were supposed to leave for church, I put my dress on and realized you could see straight through it.
I mean, I may as well have been wearing yellow saran wrap. It was that bad.
I threw on my holy jean outfit from the day before and told the hubs we had to stop at Target. Umm, it was Easter and Target was closed. Craptastic.
We kept driving and I saw a Big K. I didn’t even know K-Marts were even around anymore. But they were open, so I went in. They had 1 rack of slips and they were all long with lacy stuff everywhere. Then I spotted one simple short one. Holla! As I ran (literally) to the checkout, I got bummed that I would have to add $10.99 to the price of my outfit. But, the cashier rang it up and it was $0.99! Tax brought that bad boy up to $1.05. Booyah!
I changed in the backseat while the hubs was flying and tossing me around. Then I realized the slip was hanging out the bottom of the dress.
I was ready to go to church in what the good Lord brought me into the world wearing.
But I stopped feeling sorry for myself, got out my sewing kit and some nail clippers and got that sucker hemmed. Thank goodness it took half an hour to get there!
Moral of the story? Always try on your outfit ahead of time.
Outfit Deets:
Dress: Ross (Its a brand new daaaaay!) $10.99
Shoes: Ross (I’ll spare you) $16.99
Belt: Charlotte Russe $10.50 (Used 20% + free shipping St Patrick’s Day coupon online) = $8.40
Slip: Super-K baby! $1.05
TOTAL = $37.43
Earrings: Lia Sophia that I already had. That doesn’t count right? They were B2G1 free and the other 2 were Christmas gifts!
Fashion Friday is brought to you by the fab, Summer!

so cute!! i love the shoes, they're amazing!! and look at you…being all crafty in the backseat! lol…
oh been there done that.. i hate when i pick up a cute outfit just to realize seconds before heading out the door.. something is wrong with it.. tough.. i LOVE LOVE LOVE your cute little dress! And the color.. lovely!
Happy Friday!
Please dress me and find me good deals. You always look so cute and put together! I will be your personal barbie doll.
Not only are you fashionable, you are talented. Way to go with the slip. I would have hiked it up to my neck and wore it as is. Love this outfit. 🙂
LOVE the shoes! And I'm so impressed that you were able to hem the slip on the way there. That is so beyond my sewing skills!
Love it! You are always so stylin' and looking like such a hip mama!
love the dress – love the shoes – HATE it when you walk out the door and realize you can see straight through your dress! Not cool. And way to go on the frugal outfit…love it.
Oh my goodness girl that sis to funny ahha. But I LOVED the outfit..
You're freaking hilarious! LOVE that dress and those shoes- my goodness. I laughed out loud at the kmart, back seat, hemming drama. So funny!
you are one crafty momma!!! i would never be able to pull that off and the outfit looks super easter cute…
I absolutely love this outfit!!!The color is amazing and the shoes are definately on my wish list. Your going to make me have to go to Ross today just to find this outfit. I'm glad that my mom's taking me shopping for my bday today because I know exactly where we are headed. That's bad, oh well 🙂 Anyways your gorgeous girl and I always love your outfits!!
i love the outfit!! i'm impressed that you hemmed it yourself! 🙂
so adorable! great job! =)
I absolutely LOVE that dress and the shoes….I want those shoes!!! I have some black heels that are very similar.
LOve it! Glad you didn't go to church in syran. LOL I'm cheap too 🙂
Jessie at Blog Schmog
You are genius and talented and way way way adorable. =)
Did you guys find a house yet?
Molly, you are amazing! Haha I would have just tried to roll that thing up and pray it would stay up…or just cry. 🙂 Love the outfit and the price! 🙂
Love the outfit and love the fact that you were hemming your slip in the car, on the way to church with nail clippers and a sewing kit you had on hand! You are truly amazing!
.99 cents?!?! what?!!?
and YES, Rachel would DIE over those shoes 🙂
We dont have Ross around here!! But we DO haeva Big K that is still open 🙂
Have a great weekend!!!
The dress is gorgeous! Me love me some Ross!
Super cute, as usual! Thankfully you noticed the dress was transparent BEFORE church. You would have REALLY made an impression..
Your yellow Easter dress is so adorable! That's horrible that it was see through! Have a great weekend.
That outfit is SERIOUSLY adorable!! I never would have thought it cost under $40! Way to go!! I am such a shopper like that and I don't even always try, I just find good deals! LOVE those shoes too! HOT! 😉
I love the dress and those are some seriously HOT shoes! Stopping by from UBP! Have a great weekend!
um…can I just say that you are adorable?! I love your Easter outfit! I am stopping by for the UBP! I am looking forward to reading more of your blog. I love shopping, but I am cheap as well. So much so, in fact, that my husband has to make me (yes, you read that right) by stuff because I have a cap of $20 (still haven't figured out where I came up with that number) for any item. If its even a dollar over i will put it back! lol
I could have sworn I hit "follow" the last time I was here. I only just realized I still wasn't following you. Oops!
I love the dress and the shoes.
I love those shoes! They are fabulous! Your whole outfit is actually!
I love the outfit! And have totally experienced this last minute see through crisis!!! Sounds like you fixed it like a champ!
Love it!
love that!!!!!!