I meal planned like a boss this month and outside of Costco pizza one night, we haven’t eaten out in the last 18 days. I do get pretty proud of myself when we stick to the meal plan. We love a good budget and unplanned eating out is a really great way to kill one! I did have a bit of a come to Jesus last week and told everyone that I just need a couple of really easy dinners a week. Like sandwiches. Cereal. Whatever you can find. I’ve always loved cooking, but making nearly 3 meals a day for the whole family for the last 10 months has diminished that love a bit. Needless to say, everyone was very much on board and they could care less if I ever make a fancy meal!
I have made a few things lately that are too good to not share, so here are some of our recent favorite recipes!
Tortilla Trend
If you’re on social media at all, you’ve probably seen the “tortilla trend”. The idea is to simply make a cut halfway up the tortilla, put 4 different toppings/filling ingredients in the 4 quadrants, fold, cook and eat. I’ve seen some insanely creative ones for sure! This turned out to be such a fun and easy meal for us. I pulled out all the cheese we had, opened a couple cans of beans, corn and grabbed leftover taco meat and deli turkey.
Everyone made very different quesadillas, therefore there were no complaints! I had mozzarella, spinach, roasted red peppers and onion in mine. The only cleanup was some silverware and the griddle. Total win! If you want to watch our how to video, it’s here!
Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
This meal got allll the heart eyes from me. Full disclosure, the kids don’t like sweet potatoes, so I made mac n cheese for them. But. These were delicious. I did take a little bit of the chicken out for Lincoln before I put the sauce in, but the big boys like spicy food. I also made a sheet pan of roasted brussel sprouts with it.
Honey Mustard Pretzel Chicken Tenders
I got this recipe first from Haley Hendel (love her Instagram page!) and couldn’t wait to try it. They turned out to be a huge hit! I mixed 3 eggs with about 1/3 cup honey mustard and a little salt and pepper. Crushed a bunch of pretzels in a ziplock and poured out onto a tray. I dipped about 12 chicken tenders in the egg mix, then the pretzel mix, then sprayed on both sides with an olive oil spray. Air fry at 400 for 6 mins/side. You do have to work in batches to get them all crispy! This is a similar recipe that uses yogurt, too, but I don’t think that is necessary.
Pancake Muffins
For the love of all things, why haven’t I done this before?! Mix up whatever pancake mix you like (I use Kodiak protein mix) and fill greased muffin tins 2/3 full. I made a batch with chocolate chips and one with blueberries. Baked at 350 for 20 minutes. So easy and sure beats standing at the counter making pancakes all morning!
Greek Yogurt Bagels
I’ve talked about these before, but they deserve to be talked about more. These bagels are basically greek yogurt and flour and are a great way to pack some protein in your kids breakfast. I make at least 2 batches at a time and they are loved by the whole family.
Hope you enjoy adding some of these meals to into your family rotation!