Happy Monday! It feels a bit strange to try to be chipper today, but I truly believe that keeping positive in the midst of chaos is the only way to stay above it. We are prepared, taking precautions and doing our best to stay busy. I think that most of us will look back at these days as a gift of precious time together. Let’s be good examples to our kids of how to be good humans, generous, thoughtful of others and calm under pressure!
Onto the main reason of this post! As some of you know, I was homeschooled my whole K-12 years. It was so normal for me, a great childhood and an amazing opportunity to learn far more than what books teach. I had an entire year that was the basics – reading, writing, arithmetic – and everything extra was dedicated to becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. Yep, my school was learning to cook, clean, care for kids, run a business, etc. I moved out of my parents house 100% ready to run a household of my own. You know what? My kids are about to get that same lesson. My plan is to spend time over the coming weeks, giving them home ec, domestic science, whatever you want to call it!
Home Economics For Kids
Cleaning –
- bathrooms
- floors
- vacuuming
- dusting
- how to create and follow a cleaning schedule
Cooking –
- kitchen basics – chopping, veggie and fruit washing, meat safety
- how to make a meal plan (use Pinterest!)
- play iron chef and use items you have in your pantry to make something good
- learn about how flavors work together
- use notebook and write down everything you taste or make and rate it for reference
Laundry –
- sorting
- wash settings
- folding
- ironing
Finances –
- spending
- saving
- investments
- paying bills
- living debt free
Outside of those things, we are doing a lot of bike riding, board games and family movie days and nights! I don’t want to act like this is a kids obeying everything, magical unicorn and rainbows kinda time, because there are bound to be fights and some pushback! Oh and the screen time will abound. With both The Hubs and myself working from home, there will be plenty of time where we will rely on screens and this is one of those times that the limits are just out, in my opinion.