I thought it would never happened to me.
I thought we’d passed that stage.
He’s almost potty training.
He never even took his own diaper off.
Then, at dinner time, he ran to me yelling “pasta and sauce, mommy!”
Proud of all those words, I leaned down to give him a big hug.
He threw his arms around me.
Arms that were covered in POOP.
Poop on his shirt.
Poop on my shirt.
Poop in my HAIR.
Probably the grossest mommy moment thus far.
And if any of you have kids older than 2, you know its well passed the butterscotch and onto the full on grown up poop.
And if any of you have kids older than 2, you know its well passed the butterscotch and onto the full on grown up poop.
And no, I didn’t stop on the way to the shower to get a picture.
Lisa, An American Mom says
Ugh. Damn. That is gross. What's with the "pasta and sauce"? Was he saying that is what he had on him? I want more details. ha ha. Sorry you had to deal, that is really gross. Toddler poop is fun huh?
Ana says
That is just gross. Ewwwww
Ana says
PS Sorry that happened to you
Ashley says
Aww yuck!! But I won't make to much fun because I'm sure I will have plenty of stories soon. 🙂 And yes what was he trying to say with the pasta and sauce?
April says
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little … so gross!!!!!!!
Rachel McPhillips says
Disgusting… absolutely disgusting. Addison took her diaper off once during nap time, of course she was like 6 months old…. I need to go vom now..
xo, Kate @keeping up w/the Moreland's says
oh gross!! i would've puked for sure!!!!!!
Linds says
SICK. I hope I never have to experience this. Brayden eating dog poo was about as much as I could stand.
Steph @ Flip Flop Chic says
This post cracked me up! I really needed it – especially today. You see, this morning at 7 AM, my eldest fur kid somehow stepped in her own poop in the back yard and was all the way to the other side of the house before I realized it. She had, of course, made a loop around the dining room, living room and jumped on my freshly washed sheets by this point. I don't have any kids of my own yet, but it's good to know that the fun won't stop…LOL.
Nicoolmama says
Oh mama….BIG {no poop on the arms} HUGS! In the last month, have probably cleaned this up from my 2 year old…oh…say….5 times! The little bugger LOVES to take his diaper off when he's poopy..can we say potty training time?
It's gross, it sucks, and you have certainly earned your Mom card today!
Natalie says
Glad to say that I have never experienced such nastiness.
When he's older & you ever feel a twinge of guilt for disciplining him, just think back to this moment. I bet the guilt goes away.
I think I need a shower now just thinking about what you went through.
Jamie Pickle says
You poor thing!
Genesis says
hilarious. im sorry but i had to laugh. but i am sorry it happened to you. at least you have your priorities straight. shower before blog picture 🙂
Annie says
NO!!!!! that has got to be the worst, ever!! you poor momma!
hotpants™ says
Oh, every mom has to have a good poop story! Now you have yours. 😉
Annie says
oh no……ewwwwww is right!
i can knock on wood and say that I have not had any poo situations (yet)…
*shudder at the thought*
Dana says
Gross!!!! I guess every mama has to have one of those "ewwww" kinda moments!
Sheila says
haha, oh I've sooooo been there!
Rachel says
Ughhhh. These are things I think about before having children… and it terrifies me.LOL
MrsDixon says
Oh my gosh! This is my second biggest fear!!! You poor thing, I would have barfed and then cried and probably even contemplate rubbing my own shadoobie on that baby to show them what it's like! Aww, the things I have to look forward to!
Sarah says
OMG that sounds so gross!! So nice to see what I have to look forward to!
As you can see, I'm a new reader and I'm loving your blog! So cute!
Nancy says
Good God, I hope that never happens to me.