Before I got pregnant, there were cute maternity clothes everywhere. Now, they’ve all disappeared. Like seriously, gone.
It is a pretty big deal for me to get to the mall these days, but yesterday I put on my fave maxi from last summer (which was way tighter in the belly than I thought it would be) and some adorbs 3.5in espadrilles and went for it. With Cooper, stroller, diaper bag, my purse, and plenty of snacks and toys in tow, we set out on our search for big mamma clothes.
Right inside the door we went in was H&M. They had a very little and sad maternity section, but I did find a really cute dress in the regular section for my cousin’s wedding in June. That was my main reason for going, so I really shouldn’t complain that I found what I needed in 15 minutes. I still needed a dress for the rehearsal dinner and just some summer clothes in general.
After walking a bunch, I found out that my mall has no maternity store. No Motherhood. No Pea in the Pod. Nothing. My F21 has no maternity section. There is no Old Navy in the mall. Grrrr. There was an Auntie Annes, so I made a pit stop. After trying it, Cooper told me he doesn’t like hot pretzels, only crunchy ones. Hehe.
I decided I’d check in the big stores. I went in JC Penny and asked this nice old lady if they had a maternity section. She gave me directions then told me what a great section it was. Ummmm, maybe for her…notsomuch for me. Everything was big and tent-y. Then I went in Macys. They had a whole little room that had lots of Motherhood and Pea in the Pod stuff in there. And nothing in my size. Seriously EVERYTHING I liked was they had in every size but mine.
Now what?! I have to shop online…I HATE ordering stuff online and not being able to try it on. I feel like maternity clothes are even worse since they often fit all wonky. And don’t even get me started on a bathing suit. I’ll be wearing my bikinis to the pool here but don’t think I can do it at the beach with my in-laws this summer. Awkward.
Y’all need to tell me, what’s your fave place to shop for maternity clothes? Have you ordered them online? What stores are true to size? I really think I need Rosie Pope. Isn’t Pregnant in Heels the best show evaaa?
My bestie love Target's Maternity line especially the tank tops.
Love = Loved
Pea in the Pod is my favorite and they are very close to size.
Mimi Maternity is great too
I didn't really buy maternity clothes. Thankfully, I wear a lot of flowly and babydoll tops when I'm not pregnant and they worked well for when my belly started expanding.
As far as pants, you can get a belly band to slip over your regular jeans or buy a selection of leggings with an elastic waste. But Target has some great dresses and sell the long tanks that will be perfect to for the upcoming summer weather and since they stretch they will grow with your belly.
I am right with YUMMommy…I haven't really bought any maternity clothes and I am currently 39 weeks. I would suggest buying regular non-maternity clothes in a size bigger to get the extra length and room for your belly. I really cute boutique I have had excellent luck with is Francesca's. My go to has been leggings with a cute flowy top belted with a cardi. Good luck!!
Target and Old Navy and Gap got me through!!!! Old Navy has the best maternity jeans eva.
I don't wear a lot of actual maternity clothes, I just wear mostly stretchy tanks with cardigans. When I buy maternity clothes though, I usually check out the local kids consignments shops. They usually have a maternity section with cute stuff that is in great condition. My other stand by is Target. They have a small section, but they do have pretty cute stuff.
I really liked Target and Old Navy for Maternity.
Only Target!!
Old Navy has great jeans. They are cuter and affordable. They also fit true to size and stay up. I'm 5'1 and normally 115 lbs and I ordered size 1 short for flats and sandals and 1 regular for heels. I only have 1 maternity shirt that I got from Target but haven't worn yet. I've been wearing alot of shirts that are banded at the bottom and are baggy & stretchy that I got from Maurices. I am 31 weeks pregnant.
I have honestly never bought maternity clothes. I prefer to wear my jeans low, and wear a lot of empire waist shirts! I'm so glad I saved them all from when they were in style a few summers ago!
You're right, though. I took a brief look through Old Navy's maternity section, and they had very few items, and I wasn't a fan of what they had to offer.
Gap maternity rocked the house for me and I ordered it all online.
I bought a lot from target and motherhood. which, motherhood has AWESOME dresses this season! GO GET 'EM! I bought the cutest dress with the intention of wearing it pregnant and ended up going into labor that day. BUT they totally transition into post partum clothes too! I think Motherhood is very true to size. I'm still wearing the jeans and stuff i bought from there and I don't have a bump anymore.
this post is right up my alley! im gonna be a first time momma and not too far behind you actually, my edd is nov, 13 : ) while i haven't started shopping yet i have definitely been wondering how my wardrobe will be a changing. thanks for the tips ladies!
Try Tysons (I know you're in the NoVa area) they have just about every maternity store possible in Tysons I.
I am in the same exact boat with the maternity clothes situation. I am in dire need of pants for work or practically anything. I am tired of looking like a bum! But our old navy doesn't have maternity, nor does the f21! ugh! I remember from my first pregnancy that Motherhood was to old looking for me. But from what I've seen maybe their style has changed in the last five years? I've been shopping on ebay here and there. But as soon as Summer gets here I will be full force into some dresses, it's just to chilly here in Kentucky for that. If you find any good ideas for internet deals PLEASE let me know! Thank you!
Maternity clothes are THE WORST!!!! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I focussed only on maternity bottoms and only PLAIN ones like jeans and shorts and then just bought shirts a size or two bigger than I normally wear.
Good luck! With my first pregnancy, we were in a small town and the only maternity clothes I could find were in Target. A few months into my pregnancy, our Old Navy got maternity clothes in stock. Thank God.
Rosie Pope is fabulous.
I'm with these girls on the Target thing!
Everything came from Old Navy, I just read all the reviews on each item and I found almost everything to be true to size. What didn't fit I just exchanged or returned in the mail.
Gap…buy what size you usually wear…so comfy and cute! target…more trendy, and old navy…seriously and wait till it goes on clearance if you want to save money!
Aren't you near Tyson's Corner? I think I've seen maternity stores there before.
But I would also take a day where you can leave Cooper with Daddy or bring Daddy with you & just try on regular clothes. My first pregnancy I went with the typical ugly maternity clothes BUT my sister went her entire pregnancy almost completely without maternity clothes.
Old Navy and Target have been my go tos. Word of warning ON's maternity dresses run really big. Pre-pregnancy I wore a small and have since gained nearly 50 lbs {yikes, I know!} I ordered a dress for Easter in a small and it was HUGE.
I feel a little awkward commenting on a maternity post but I know of tons of stores in Northern NJ, for example ( I know, im of no help here) but you asked for suggestions so there's one. 🙂
Now the names, I don't remember them because for a divorced dude, there's really so little you can do with them.
I bought a few from the stores you mention (Motherhood, etc) but mostly I bought regular clothes in bigger size and adjusted them. also Kohls and Target had cute stuff. I bought 1 item online and never wore it.
My best pregnancy advice is to marry someone with a 7 year old! ha! 🙂
I'm sure you'll look adorable no matter what you wear – I've never seen you look any other way!
Target! I just picked up some stuff!
Oh, I couldn't order maternity clothes online either, because they are just way too variable on sizes! I second the Gap Maternity and Target suggestions – I got some pretty cute clothes from those two places, and they seemed to be pretty true to pre-pregnancy sizes.
Just found your blog, and I've been enjoying reading it! 🙂
Try They have a cute, simple but stylish (young) maternity collection. It's free shipping- even for returns! Let me know how it goes!
Seriously I have had the same problems here on the west coast. Every store has downsized their maternity sections and what they do have on the rack is soooo not cute. Sadly my stash of maternity clothes is very small this go around (since I gave everything away after having my son). The only place I have found stuff is Motherhood Maternity. They had some really cute tops out before Easter, but every single one of them I tried on made me look even bigger then what I am 🙁 Luckily for me now my doctor has told me to limit my driving and going places from here on out. So I will pretty much be lounging in my sweats and big T's for the next 6.5 weeks
I wore a lot of Target and Gap. I wore a lot of my regular clothes too and I am short, so I get a huge belly! It's nice to have the regular clothes so that after baby comes you have a few non-maternity things to fall back on! Also, the most comfortable dress pants I have ever bought were from Kohls! with my first pregnancy there was no way you could convince me to wear the full belly panel, but then I got these little dressy capri's from Kohls for my second pregnancy and I pretty much wore them every chance I could!!