It’s finally getting warm and sunny, enough that I think it will last! Yeehaw! Yesterday, (after these pictures) we were out on the lake for a few hours and I got a sunburn down one arm. It’s very lovely, especially since the other arm is deathly pale.

Top c/o | Jeans | Bag: Magic Kingdom | Sunnies | Shoes, similar | Earrings
I’m thankful for these super low rise skinnies that
How Far Along: 17 weeks
Size of baby: 5.1″ (about an onion) and 5.9oz
Total Weight Gain: 9lbs
Maternity Clothes: A mix of maternity and regular.
Gender: 5 more days, 5 more days…
Movement: A little. I wish it was more already!
Sleep: Good. My handy dandy BumpNest pillow is the only way.
What I miss: Nothing really. I’m trying to really enjoy this last pregnancy!
Cravings: Hummus and veggies. Like family sized tubs every couple days.
Symptoms: Round ligament aches. Never remember having that before.
What I’m looking forward to: Baby!
Shop the look:
Cute, love the shoes! XO Kelly
You look amazing!!! Gotta love mismatched sun burns, I had a bad one last summer (through a hole in my jeans) and that sucker left a permanent mark ha!
You look great, mama!