Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! I love getting festive and dressing up, but sometimes, it’s just not practical to fit fancy into my mom life. I love this ruffled sleeve sweater for a pop of girliness and pink to celebrate the day, mom style!
Ruffled Sleeve Sweater | Jeans (ankle version) | Booties: Last year, nearly identical under $60 here | Monogram Crossbody Bag | Bracelets: sold out, very similar here
Ruffled Sleeve Sweater | Jeans (ankle version) | Booties: Last year, nearly identical under $60 here | Monogram Crossbody Bag | Bracelets: sold out, very similar here
Shop the Look:
Now for an amazing GIVEAWAY! With Valentine’s Day approaching, I decided to team up with some of my favorite bloggers and bring you a Nordstrom Giveaway. One lucky reader will win a $1,000 gift card to Nordstrom. To enter, please use the widget below.

Money Can Buy Lipstick | Mash Elle | Ashley Brooke Nicholas | Diary of a Debutante | Sunshine & Stilettos
Cameron Proffitt | The Styled Fox | A Lo Profile | Visions of Vogue | Inspiration For Moms
The Girl In The Yellow Dress | By Brittani Lauren | A Vintage Splendor | Coming Up Roses | xoxoBella
Sunsets and Stilettos | Ashley’s Passion for Fashion | Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins | Sophistifunk | Life Lutzurious
My Life Well Loved | January Hart | Glitter & Spice | The Blue Hydrangeas | A Gallon of Glitter
Stilettos and Diapers | Styled Adventures | Toreys Treasures | Petite Style Script | Marvelous in the Midwest
You are sure to discover some amazing bloggers you may not already be following! Good luck!
Thank you for the fantastic giveaway and chance to participate.The styles and outfits are really beautiful on all the blogs. 🙂