Like ridiculously loud. Red face and clinched fist loud. I was mortified.
What the frick are you supposed to do in these situations?
Next up, Trader Joes. He loves this store because they have the little carts. He got his cart and said, “I don’t need help, Mom.” Fine. I was still annoyed and didn’t want to do anything to make him scream again. He went up and down the aisles saying “ooh, lets try this” and putting it in his cart. Haha, just like mommy. I only needed one thing, (cough, cough…almond champagne) so we were out pretty quick.
On to Target. I told him I had to look in the clothing department first and told him he has to be good or else we wouldn’t look at toys. I went into the dressing room. As I’m trying on pants, he starts singing…LOUDLY. “Oh, baby I’m a rock star” was blaring out of our room. He seemed to put just the “oh, baby” on repeat for what seemed like forever. Once we came out, of course the attendants were laughing and talking to him.
We managed to escape with one ripped open package of animal crackers and loads of sweat and embarrassment.
haha-cooper and jasper sound like they could be besties. Evidence? Jasper is also obsessed with singing Loudly, and someones the only thing that will keep him happy while we are out is if mamma sings with him. Secondly? Boobs or boobies are his favorite conversation starters.
You think the 2 year old shopping is fun? Just wait. It gets better.
Cheeks would always sing LOUDLY & dance. When people stared, she thinks this means she has an audience so will continue.
If I make the mistake of letting her pick out a toy, it's over. She's ready to leave. Right then. It doesn't matter how much more I have to accomplish. She's going home to play with her new thing.
Ah I loved this! So funny and cute, but tiring onyour end I am sure!
When you told him his behavior was unacceptable, was it in your Supernanny tone?
You poor thing!
haha, SOO TRUE! And I can only imagine it will get tougher the older my little guy gets…
i did get a good laugh from your pain! the boobs comment was classic. everyone's kids say something to embarrass them, usually more than once in a lifetime! at least he didnt say something ugly or rude to someone without realizing it!
BOOBS! That's seriously the best part. Kids speak so freely.
LOL!!! Your day sounds like something from a sitcom!
The ol' sweating like crazy, being hugely embarrassed and a screaming baby in the cart…this is a regular occurrence in my family!
It gets better, right?!
Oh Molly, this does not sound like fun at all!!