We moved to this lovely land called California 3 years ago. A place that happens to quake and make my dishes clatter every once in a while. A place my Dad always told me would fall off the face of the earth. We moved with the intention of being here for 12-18 months. After only 6 months...SURPRISE! My belly grew. Just before time for the baby, we ... View the Post
Archives for October 2009
By the Book Review + {GIVEAWAY}
Karen from Karmel Publishing contacted me about her awesome book, that you MUST check out. By the Book: How to take care of MY kids.Her timing was oh so perfect, as we just started leaving Cooper with a sitter. Then, my in-laws were here, and even though I trust them, it is so nice to be able to give them all the particulars about my little man, ... View the Post
Wordful Wednesday – Pumpkin Patch
Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch. Cooper has the best time running around a pointing at everything. Today he said "pumpkin" when I gave him the tiny one he picked out at the patch. He's growing up too fast! ... View the Post
{Nothing Here}
I only know a few things today. None of them are exciting, so if you want to leave, please don't, just suck it up and hang out with me its okay.First, it's cold. Well, relatively cold. I'm so sorry for you sweet peeps that are already fighting the snow and frigid temps, while I gripe about it being 45 here. The good news is, I have had 2 cups of ... View the Post
Fashion Friday
I gotta say, I am a bit boring today. I don't always wear saran wrap pants, or fabulous booties. Some days, I am just tired of fancying it up. And honestly, I look like this most of the time. We are headed with the in-laws up to Napa for some vino tasting. Yummay! It's not exactly fall weather today, but I am throwing in some fallish colors! I'm ... View the Post
Someone thinks I’m awesome.
Actually 3 someones. Well, probably more, but I am so bad about putting the awards up. If you have sent one and thought I just ignored you, I'm so sorry!R. Wallis @ True Beauty...Inside and Out! has give me the Kreativ Blogger award! Thank you so much! 1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award. 2. Copy the logo and place it on your ... View the Post