I've decided that if God went on vacation, he would probably go to the gorgeous, white sandy beaches along Hwy 30-A. Growing up on the gulf, I took being able to go to the beach anytime we wanted to for granted. Now, I miss that and I want to move every time we go back. Here is part 1 of probably more pictures than you care to see of our ... View the Post
Archives for September 2012
Most days.
The hubs gets home from a business trip today. When he leaves, I don't have to cook, do the afternoon tidy, or make the bed. (You really thought I make the bed when he's here? Funny.) I have a to-do list and I'm not afraid to use it. I have plenty of time. In theory. I used to work 4 days a week back when we were DINKs. ... View the Post
Soccer Mom (A Fashion Post)
My big Cooper started his second season of soccer this week. I just love every.single.thing involved with being a soccer Mom. Good thing they don't keep score yet, because I know I'll love the yelling at refs in the near future. Nothing to be done with day old bangs but braid 'em. Why, oh why am I having to put on ... View the Post
Not yo Mama’s Lingerie.
I have lovingly given my body over to be ruined twice to carry my sweet boys. If that wasn't enough, I allowed the damage to go even further when I acted as milk cow for them both and often succumbed to brutal, biting torture. Anyone else who has done this knows one thing for sure: You will forever need a magical hold everything back up where it ... View the Post
The beach, so far, through my iPhone.
These pictures really need no words. We're having an amazing time. Happy weekend! ... View the Post
The newest online way to shop: Ubokia
I don't know about you, but most of the things I buy these days are online. No loading up the kids to take them to the store, no spending the whole day driving from place to place in search of that perfect gift, oh and shopping in your pajamas. It's just a no brainer. How nice would it be to have an online marketplace to buy the things from other ... View the Post