Friday!!!! I've really been looking forward to this weekend. We don't have any plans but to celebrate The Hubs birthday on Sunday. I hope to get some more baby stuff ready and to spend a good bit of time snuggling and watching movies with my boys. But first! How about some of my favorite things lately?! 1. Maternity/Nursing Bikini I told y'all ... View the Post
Archives for July 2015
Fashion || Lobster, Linen and 31 Weeks Pregnant
Yes, I still have pictures from the beach! This was one of my favorite outfits I wore while we were there, mostly because it screams beach to me! Pants ℅ | Top ℅ | Shoes | Watch | Nails It doesn't get more beachy than a lobster, does it? This outfit is all non maternity and both top and bottom are from J. Jill. I've been ... View the Post
July 4th Weekend
We packed a ton into our July 4th weekend. The Hubs had off Friday and Monday, so we were able to spend a ton of time together. Friday, we met up with some friends on the lake. It was stormy early in the day, but after a little getting rained on, it was a gorgeous day. Any day is gorgeous when your baby ... View the Post
RealTimes From Our Beach Vacation!
7 years ago, I had my first baby. As a new stay at home mom, I felt like I had a decent amount of down time, while my baby slept so much in those first few months. I was pretty good about getting things done during that time, too. One thing I'm especially proud of, is my firstborn's scrapbook. I printed pictures, clipped colorful and printed card ... View the Post
Family and Beach and Boys Galore.
I didn't take nearly as many pictures on my camera as I wish I had on our beach trip, but we did manage to get a few good ones! These are my parents (Poppa and Marmie) with all their grand babies…so far! One more this year and 3 more kids to still have kids. We're quite boy heavy! So many people ... View the Post
Last Minute July 4th Food Ideas
We're still not sure on our July 4th plans this year. We have a couple options of things to do, but I can't decide what I'm cooking until I know what the plan is. So, I gathered together some possibilities of easy looking recipes that I may make! I started drooling at the computer and thought I could at least share my sweet finds with ... View the Post