What a whirlwind year 2024 was for us! I love recapping the years here and this is my 7th year of doing it. It’s amazing to see growth, God’s goodness, the result of struggles and the answers to prayers all in one post. 2024 was my least blogged year since I started writing here and it’s mostly because I think it’s been our busiest. I am also realizing even more how quickly time is passing and I’m super focused on spending as much time with my boys as possible while they’re still little! Without further ado, here is 2024 year in review!
We started the year inn Ocean Isle at Anchors Awey with my sister and her family before heading back to a massive snow storm in Michigan! I started the year with a goal to read 12 books, after reading basically none my whole life. I read my first book in January and kicked it up a notch and ended the year with 30!! I’m so proud of myself! I chopped myself curtain bangs, shared my favorite kale salad recipe and we ended the month with a weekend basketball trip to an indoor water park in middle Michigan.
Love month had us still deep in snow! I shared a fun Valentine’s Day snack on Instagram and got my 4th of my favorite sweatshirts in Valentine’s Day pink. Lincoln and I went to mother and son skate night at our local rink. I always cherish the one on one time with my boys. We got to attend Elevation Nights in Grand Rapids and it was so awesome that they came there! We had a weekend basketball trip to Traverse City that ended with championship rings and we also got to see Torch Lake. We told the boys on Valentine’s Day that we booked a Summer trip to Disney World!
March was a big month for us, as we found out we were officially moving back to North Carolina! We spent part of Spring Break sneakily house hunting! My favorite recipe in March was this Protein Packed Hamburger Helper. Cooper and Lincoln had their last basketball games of the season and Callan had his spring orchestra concert, where he played the cello. I threw an Easter Egg Hunt and party for Lincoln and his friends, since we were missing all ours with Spring Break travel. We ended the month in Charlotte for the beginning of our Spring Break, with a stop over at my parents in Ohio.
We left Charlotte and headed to Ocean Isle for the rest of Spring Break and were oh so grateful for the warmth! Callan went to St. John with his best friend and we missed him so much! We met back up for the drive home, where we saw the solar eclipse in the middle of Ohio! Callan and his friend in Michigan cooked our 2 families a 4 course meal and I shared my favorite protein oatmeal bowl. Cooper turned 16! We celebrated him at home, then he went with The Hubs to LA for a few days of exploring his birth state!
We were finally able to share the news that we were moving, which really was so much harder than we expected. I am so happy in NC, but Michigan will always have a part of our hearts! We had tons and tons of baseball, some in beautiful weather and some I was freezing in my pod! I was spoiled silly for Mother’s Day weekend, where we got to see the Northern Lights right over our house! Memorial Day weekend was full of fun and friends and we went to the KitchenAid Senior PGA tour with Callan playing hookie. I also finally shared our secret little room in our house since we were moving.
Finally the sweet, sweet end of school that came along with several fun events we got to attend with the boys. We knew we had a packed summer and we truly cherished all the moments. We had TONS of fun baseball, including some 4 day tournaments and Lincoln’s team having an undefeated, Championship winning season! We went to Ohio for my nephew’s graduation where someone decided to run a stop sign and wrecked my precious old car! Thankfully Cooper, my mom and myself are all okay! Father’s Day weekend, we had more baseball, but were able to get to The Deck for a fun lunch and had a nice date night out. I shared a Day In The Life of a baseball mom, which left y’all as tired as me! The month ended with a fantastic baseball tournament in Milwaukee, WI.
July started with a fun 4th with friends, but not after I terribly burned my arm making these jello shots! I shared a 14 day meal plan that I’m still repeating often. I threw one of my favorite parties – a Summer Olympics party! We celebrated The Hubs Birthday with a 4 day baseball tournament, had a wonderful going away party thrown by our friends and Callan’s team won their last tournament of the season. The Hubs drove my plants all the way to Charlotte and we had an early birthday party for Lincoln before we moved. We said goodbye to our Michigan home that we poured so much of ourselves into! We took a massive trip in between the move from Michigan and North Carolina. This let us end the month of July on 30A!
August started on 30A (I wrote a whole 30A travel guide!) and it was a relaxing time after the craziness of the move. We went from there to my sister in laws in Sarasota, barely dodging a hurricane, then off to Disney World to end our 3 weeks of travel. It was my favorite Disney trip so far! We put an offer (and got accepted!) on our lot to build our house, we moved into our temporary lake house and the boys started school. We spent the second half of the month simply settling into a new school, new place and getting started on our house plans.
We went to Ocean Isle for Lincoln’s Birthday weekend/Labor Day before moving into our rental house. I tried to get settled and back on track with a weekly meal plan! I started catching up with girlfriends and made a girl dinner board. We did lots of surfing and boating while the weather was still warm. We met up with my whole family in Savannah for my cousin’s wedding and it was such a sweet, while short, get together. My sister and her 2 littles came back to Charlotte with us and I loved spending a few more days with them!
I was invited to an influencer event for Lysa TerKeurst’s new book, I Want To Trust You, But I Don’t. It was the most incredible couple of days spent with amazing women. I feel like I just soaked up so much goodness and I definitely was a bit star struck! We went to the beach twice this month, taking full advantage of being so close! The first was with Callan’s best friend where we celebrated his 13th birthday and my sister and littles came with us. The second was later in the month with our friends from Michigan for Oyster Fest and we had an absolute blast! We cheered hard for the Mets, as they made it further than anyone expected in the playoffs and Cooper went to HoCo with his beautiful girlfriend. I shared a recipe that my boys are loving for busy school mornings and we celebrated our first (again) NC Halloween.
We added a 2nd teenager in the house with Callan turning 13! He got to celebrate with old friends and new. I turned 40 a few days later and we basically celebrated all month! We did a family beach trip (where I put up a beach Christmas tree!), I had a dinner with local girlfriends and then we went back to the beach with a handful of close friends who came in from 4 different states. I truly felt so loved! We went back to the beach for Thanksgiving for the 3rd year in a row. This year, my parents and brother came with us, as well as Cooper’s best friend. It’s truly one of my favorite times at the beach! We came back home to Jack our elf, who found us at the new house!
We celebrated our 19th Anniversary this year! We spent it at the basketball court as Cooper was right in the middle of his season. We did a lot of festive fun, including the Lake Norman boat parade! We decorated the new house with 3 trees, I made the donut trees I made last year again and a festive Pomegranate Paloma. Before Christmas, we went to Virginia Beach for a Wey family Christmas weekend. We had so much fun having most of the cousins together, playing games and eating Ma’ams famous lasagna! Christmas here was low key and really nice. We went to Christmas Eve Church, then spent Christmas day relaxing with the family. A couple days later, our good friends from Michigan came down to visit! It was warm enough to go boating and the boys even tubed! We explored Charlotte and spent a fun New Years together.
I am so incredibly grateful for the ways God has worked in our lives this year and look forward to seeing what 2025 brings us! As always – THANK YOU! All of you who read this blog, shop my links, support this small business of mine that was born out of a little spark. I so appreciate each and every one of you! I fully plan to be more present in this space now that the craziness of a move year is behind us.