This is what I remember my sweet baby boy looking like yesterday, and yet, it was 3 years ago.
The first time I held Cooper, I knew love like I’d never known.
His 1st Birthday we spent in Disney World and I didn’t know one little man could be so happy! I also didn’t know how the past year had gone by so quickly.
That was the last trip we went on before he started walking!

That same trip, we went to GA to my parents house so we could celebrate with them.
Obviously, Cooper’s first cupcake. Poor thing was so sheltered that first year.
But it was all over after that!
We were living in a hotel waiting on our house to be built for the big 2. We had a little party at my sis-in-laws house.
And another at my parents house.
The strict no-sugar rules were long gone.
And the excitement on his face for his 3rd Birthday party was simply priceless. Worth every single second of craziness!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Cooper William!
I am so blessed to be your Mommy and I love you more than anything!
So adorable! Happy birthday Cooper.
Happy Birthday Cooper!
Oh my goodness! His face is priceless in his 3rd birthday picture. 🙂 Love it!
Happy birthday Cooper! He was just precious as a baby! They grow up so fast!
Omg!!! COOP seems like yesterday when I first found your blog!! He has gotten so big! I just turned to Dana and said "remember the cute little boy who I showed u the video of dancing to Rhianna's Rockstar song??? Look at him now! He is so excited over his cake!!" lol
Happy Birthday sweet Cooper! I hope today is a great day!
Aw he is so cute!! His face at his 3rd birthday party is precious! Happy Birthday Cooper!
happy birthday cooper!!! And happy day you became a mamma molly! I just read your birth story- can't believe you had to labor that long AND still have a c-section! Will you have a c-section for number 2? Im going to have to grill you on c-section info some time, I was told after J was born that number 2 I would likely need a c-section. Hope you guys have a super special day today! Looks like his party was absolutely perfect! You're pretty much super mom 🙂
Omigoodness, he was a super cute newborn! The cake picture is priceless. Enjoy it Molly!
Oh my goodness I LOVE the last picture!! What a sweetheart!! 🙂
I love his face in the last picture. They do grow up fast. Happy Birthday Cooper!
So cute!
Oh, happy birthday sweet boy! His expressions are just pricless. Time flies TOO TOO quick when it comes to these kiddos!
He is so cute! Happy Birthday Cooper!
Adorable pics…can't believe how fast they grow up!
Happy Birthday to Coop!! The last one as an only child. 🙂 I looove the Disney pics and his precious sandals!!
I LOVE the boys birthdays! To make them happy just warms my heart. The pictures you have taken are incredible! He is a beautiful, happy boy!
Goosebumps…so cute! Happy Birthday to your lil' man!!
He's so adorable!! Hope the two of you have a fabulous day..
I love his face in that last picture – he is just radiating joy and I love it!
Great re-cap! The looks on his face AND yours are priceless! I love that last picture.
So cute!!! Happy Birthday Boy!!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Cooper!