5 years ago, on a snowy New York day, I married the hubs.
Last Anniversary, we celebrated our Anniversary moving into our new house in California.
{Only to move to DC 2 months later.}
Hubs gets MAJOR brownie points because he surprised me with a weekend trip to NYC! His parents got here last night and we are off this morning.
We’ll be eating at the restaurant we ate at the night we got engaged and taking the same nervous (well, for him) walk that we took through Central Park to Gapston Bridge.
He also agreed to drag me to Jersey to get some Carlos Bakery cannolis. Which, my friends, is a big deal. I’m so excited! I’m sure I will have gazillions of pics for you when we get back. I think I’ll even get to cross climbing the Statue of Liberty off my 101 in 1001 list!
I am so happy with the life God has given me and couldn’t ask for anything more.
Happy 5th Anniversary, Billy! You are my rock and I love you!
That is so sweet, have fun in NYC. I wish you many more full of happiness and love.
Have fun.. I can't wait to see the pics!
So sweet! Y'all have an awesome trip!! xo
Aw, this is the sweetest! I hope you have a wonderful time!
Awww that sounds so great!!! You'll have to report back how incredible Carlos Bakery is…omg so would love to go there! Have fun!! xoxox
Awww Happy Anniversary!!! Hope that Bakery is mmdelish!
Have fun friend and Happy Anniversary!
that sounds like a blast! Happy Anni!
Happy anniversary! Have a great trip, I look forward to your recap when you get back. Have an extra cannoli for me please. 🙂
Awesome, have fun! Happy Anniversary!
Wow! Congratulations on 5 years…enjoy your trip!
Happy anniversary! Have a great trip!
Happy Annivesary! You guys are beautiful together! Have an amazing time in NYC! I'm totally jealous! 😉
Awwwwww….Happy Anniversary!
What a great surprise. Enjoy your trip.
OOH! Enjoy the cannolis!
Happy Anniversary!! You guys should totally revisit your wedding pics and/or video 🙂
How sweet. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!! Enjoy this weekend!
Congrats and have fun!
Happy Anniversary!! Hope you had a great time!
Awww, what an awesome surprise!!! Happy anniversary you two. 🙂
Happy (belated) Anniversary!