June 1st marked this guy’s 7 month Birthday!
See those 2 little weapons in his mouth? Those are his newest possession. I thought the drooling would at least slow down a bit after they came in, but no. We’re still going through bibs like whoa!
Moving now consist of lots of rolling, backwards scooting and a weird forward thrusting while sitting. Not sure how he does that one without falling over, but he does.
Dude’s got skill.
Eating is now anything I will give him as well as anything he snatches off his brothers plate. He is quickly loosing interest in nursing and just wants to be a big boy. He’s packed on some weight this month and is right at 21lbs.
He is sleeping from 7pm – 5:30am, then nurses and back to sleep until 7ish. The hangup? He’ll only sleep like that in his carseat. He hates lying flat! Lets just pretend this is acceptable.
He is still the happiest baby I’ve ever seen. Cries when he’s tired. Laughs most all other times, especially at his big brother, and is just content. Thank goodness.
Cute blanket courtesy of my sweet friend, Lisa.
He is such a cutie! Happy 7 months!
Eek – already?! I love your monthly fabric photos (great idea!), but also get a little sad because I know that when you post Callan's pic, my son's monthly b-day is coming two weeks later… how are these two 7 months already?!?! Boggles my mind…
Callan is too freaking cute – the first laughing picture is just the best!
HA! that picture of him looking up from his tummy is adorable! As are all of his photos!!! such a stud 🙂
He is adorable! Getting so big!
He's so stinkin' cute.
He's so adorable, love his bald little head! He's getting so big!
What a handsome little guy! And your pictures are fantastic! Glad he's such an easy baby!
You are so lucky! My second is 7 weeks old, but cries all the time. My first was a happy content baby too. Love seeing your little ones grow 🙂
Such a cutie! 🙂
Adorable! He looks so happy. Happy babies are the best!
How did he get so big already? What a cutie pie!