I’m an emotional sap, y’all. My sweet boy, the one who made me a momma, is 7 today. He’s been telling people he’s 7 for about 2 months, so you would think I’d be ready, but I’m not. It’s going too fast. It feels like yesterday that I had a labor and delivery that I didn’t expect and my not so little one came home from the hospital, in his size 3 month clothes.
I’m walking down memory lane today, remembering all his previous Birthday’s and wondering how we’ve already had so many!
His first one was at Disney World.
But we had to have another celebration when we got back home to California.
We were living in a hotel in DC when he turned 2. He rode his new tricycle around the halls like a boss.
His 3rd Birthday was in Virginia and he had a Toy Story party.
4th Birthday was a Cars bash and it’s here that I see that he started looking like a little boy, not a baby.
His 5th was his last at our house in Virginia, filled with Ninja Turtles and lots of his little friends.
We went Super Mario crazy for his 6th and first Birthday here in Charlotte.
We went to dinner last night at his favorite sushi restaurant. Yes, sushi. Boy has good taste.
This morning, I snuck into his room with breakfast in bed before he had to go to school.
His Big Hero 6 party isn’t for a couple more weeks, but we’ll be celebrating today around school and baseball games!
I’m so very happy to be this one’s mom. He makes me smile every day and constantly amazes me with how smart he is. I can’t wait to see him be big brother to another little one. He makes my heart so proud!
Happy 7th, buddy. I love you, Cooperman!
Oh jeez, looking at these makes ME tear up! I can't believe you guys moved before he was 2. It's been so long! Time has flown. Happy birthday Coop!!!!