Thank you all so much for your sweet congrats! We are soo thrilled to be adding to the family and Cooper is so excited about being a big brother!
I know I owe you all some details. The first and most exciting thing (I think) is the due date. Ready?
No kidding. Not planned and probably won’t be born that day because I will more than likely be induced, but still so fun!
I don’t know if I’ll post this every week or not, but thought it would be a good way to start.
How Far Along: 9 weeks
Size of baby: 1″, about the size of a grape or green olive.
Total Weight Gain: Lost 5lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Wearing mostly my normal clothes, but already got out maternity pants and the bella band since they’re way comfier. I am shocked at how much faster I’m showing!
Gender: ???
Movement: Nothing yet.
Sleep: Tons. Like I’ve never felt this tired in my entire life. Being pregnant with a 2 year old is no joke. Hubs is being so great letting me sleep in and Cooper likes to snuggle up and watch a show with me in the afternoons.
What I miss: Feeling “normal”, having energy to run errands and cooking.
Cravings: Lemonheads and Zofran
Symptoms: Nausea. Vomiting. More vomiting.
What I’m looking forward to: Eating and not seeing the food afterwards.
I’m adding aversions: Wine, coffee, chocolate. Isn’t that nuts? 3 of my favorite things before being pregnant now make me gag at just the smell of them.
I had a very small bit of queasiness when I was pregnant with Cooper, but this is a whole other level of crazy. I am living on saltines and lemonade! The Zofran has helped the vomiting, but not really the nausea. Feel free to give me your anti-nausea tricks, especially if they are something other than my current go-to…sleeping. Hehe. I wake up thinking about nap time!
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!
Congratulations! That is AWESOME, so happy for you.
With my first I barely had any symptoms, with the second…oy vay…lost 17 lbs with my pregnancy because I was sick all the time, for all 40 weeks. Even the day I delivered I got sick in the Hospital.
Somethings that worked: unsalted saltine crackers, lemonheads, ginger ale.
Wishing you the very best
Congrats Mama! You know they say the sicker you are, the more likely it's a GIRL! Although all three of my pregnancies were pretty different and out they all came-boys!
Will you be finding out the sex?
No real advice but I can feel your pain! I'm 30 weeks preggo with our second and being pregnant and chasing a 2 year old every day is EXHAUSTING! I still wake up tired.
I am SOOOO happy for you girl girlee!!!
I hope you feel better super soon, and take the Zofran if you need it!!!
Soo happy for you! And yeah, you're probably going to hear it a lot, but I'll bet it's a girl!
So thrilled for y'all! Already can't wait to find out what the nugget is!!
Congrats!!! 😉 And the due date is funny!
Congrats to you and your family Molly, what exciting news!!! I hope you are feeling better soon, try Sea Bands…they worked for me and eating small meals often. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously. I am so stinking excited about this! Have you tried GingerAle?
First of all congrats! I'm pregnant with my first and that's how I felt the first three months. My stomach felt like it was doing somersaults all day long and then there was the throwing up to accompany it. I wish we could fast forward through the first 3 months. I still have an aversion to ketchup but just the smell of it especially when it's put on warm food (I'm 27 weeks)! I don't think there is anything magical to stop feeling nauseous but if you continue to throw up, I would contact your doctor. The only thing that I found could soothe my stomach was breakfast sandwiches from fast food restaurants! Good luck!
remember the sicker you are the healthier the baby! i was super sick with gracie, so sick i could not even keep water down so they had to put me on special pills since i was losing weight like crazy by the time i hit 4 months i was able to get off the pills & felt tons better! then when i was pregnant with lil mark, i was just super tired & gracie was barely 1 so imagine that!!! try ginger, that is also supposed to help ease nausea, i am super excited for you!
Hi Molly,
When I was pregnant with my son PJ, I used Sea-Bands and I lived on mini bran muffins. I would place the bran muffins in a zip bag on my night stand before bed and even before I got out of bed in the morning, I would eat a muffin, or two. That really helped me with the sickies.
Hope you are well and Congrats!!
(Cakes by Jodi) 🙂
Congrats! I have never commented before but I have been following your blog for a while now. I love your fashion sense. Good luck with the morning sickness. I am going to make a gender prediction and say its a girl. That birthday would be really cool. My son's birthday was suppose to be 1-1-11 but he was born on the 31st of december, which is cool because I got my tax deduction. So you never know! I didnt get morning sickness with brayden but if my stomach was empty I would get really sick to my stomach. I heard ginger is really good. Pine nuts are suppose to help too.
My doctor told me carbs, carbs, carbs…also ginger. I always so queezy I could never get myself to try ginger drops or actual ginger–but Ginerale (made with real ginger) is awesome.
When I was pregnant with Mia I kept cinnamon disks and peppermint candies in my drawer at work. It was something about both of them that would take the nausea away. Good luck! Hang in there, hopefully it will only be temporary!
I just have to say "I LOVE YOUR BLOG". I've followed you for over a year now when I saw your pic end up on my followers. Your blog always makes me smile, and I gotta love your taste in boys' names. (Cooper is my youngest son's name. Promise I didn't steal from you!) Anyway, yours is my favorite blog I follow and I feel like we would totally be friends if we met because I feel like you are blogging about my life! I am totally jazzed about your new bundle and can't wait to get updates on your blogs as a family of four (like me!) Best of luck to you and keep the awesome updates coming. Nancy
I feel like I was the queen of morning sickness so I can email you some tips if you want. Hopefully yours will be over before 24 weeks! :/ Seriously over the moon excited for you guys!!!
what a fun due date!!!
i hope you are feeling better soon, you poor girl 🙁
i'm so looking forward to following your pregnancy!! so exciting!! 🙂
Congrats again, girl! I hope you'll be feeling better soon!!
That would be awesome if you delivered that day!!
Oh my the nausea. Oh I had it bad the whole first trimester. With my son I had it a little. Zofran, crackers, preggy-pops, sprite/7 UP, fruit popsicles, and jello was about all I could eat. Anything peppermint works, I sucked on a lot of peppermint candies and also peppermint tea worked. It wasn't a permanent fix, but it at least gave me relief from nausea temporarily.
I am so excited for you!!!!
You sound just like me- I was so sick with all 3 of my pregnancies, though, for about the first 6 months. The only thing that would help me is peppermint tea. I went through tons of it. Everything sugary would set me off though, so I could only drink it unsweetened, and couldn't do the candies, but it would make the nausea much better.
I'm so excited for you! Hope you find somethings that help with the sickies-
Congrats, girl! You are one of my favorite not just a mommy blogs.. so it'll be fun to see your journey with the next!
Congratulations again!!!
I'm going to be 23 weeks and still taking the Zofran everyday. Same as you, it helps decrease the vomiting, but doesn't even touch the nausea! I hope it passes quickly for you!
LOVE the due date! I bet a lot of people actually schedule an induction just to get that date…We missed the 09-09-09 with my son by 87 minutes – not planned – he was due the 20th. As for the nausea/vomiting, I was sick for the first 4.5 months. All I could eat was pizza (woe is me). I think I was on the Zofran too for the nausea – definitely had a prescription, but it didn't always help. Nor did the seabands, the preggie pops, ginger root, or ginger ale. I did drink regular soda sometimes, even though I hardly ever did/do, as that seemed to help a little. could not even look/smell chicken. I unfortunately had to ride it out, but once it passed, I felt great the rest of the pregnancy and had none of the other usual pregnancy complaints, so I feel kind of lucky, as awful as the nausea/vomiting was. it was nice to get the "free pass" from colleagues when I didn't feel well, I have to admit…that was the one perk…sorry I'm not helping here…but I hope you feel better soon!
Try the Canada Dry Ginger Ale.. it has actual ginger in it which is what helps settle your tummy. Also? the ONLY thing that ever helped with my morning sickness was eating ever 20 minutes. Even if it was just small snacks, but I HAD to otherwise I felt like serious poo.
And guess what? My due date with J was 11/6 but was early & born on 10/15. I'm thinking you're carrying a litle Valentine's Day gift..
So sorry you haven't been feel great! This scares the s**** out of me for number two! I was pretty sick the first four months with J and would hate to have that while chasing him around this time. We have talked and if I'm not preggo this month I think we will wait till after we get back from Sweden in July to start trying again- if we are spending over 5K on a late honeymoon it would REALLY suck to be sick the whole time.
Congrats to you guys….funny…I am also due on 11/11/11..and we have a little one who will be 3 in May…Totally feel your pain about the nauseous (fortunately not the vomiting)! I was never sick with number 1!!! Crazy how they are different! So exciting!!1 Hope you feel better soon!!!
Ok, I craved lemonheads and chewy sweet tarts while preggo…. Lemon slushies from Sonic were a must have for me daily…you should try and it for some very strange reason helped with the all day yucky sick feeling. Congrats!
Sorry to hear you are so sick. A friend of mine who had bad morning sickness swore by these ginger candies. I guess ginger is supposed to ease your stomach.
Girl, I feel your pain 🙁 I was very nauseous during my pregnancy, but once I hit 13 weeks, it was like I was a different woman! Hang in there and feel better soon!
I was sick with both of my boys, vomiting and everything but this time around it was a paralyzing sickness. I didn't think so much throwing up and nausea was possible! I FINALLY started feeling better around week 21, that's the last time I barfed (hallelujah!!) Unfotch I have no tips and tricks, even zofran didn't do anything for me- I was SO frustrated b/c I heard it was a miracle worker! I hope it doesn't last as long for you, but I think it really might be true, the sicker you are the more likely it is to be a girl?? I'm crossing my fingers for you lady!!
Congrats, Melissa! I was sure this post was coming for a happy youre expanding your beautiful family.
Trevor will be 2 on 11-11-11. Feel free to have your baby share the date. 🙂
Ahhhhh, I'm just catching up and read this!! SO happy for you and the fam!!! Biggest congrats love
He/she, you, hubby, brother, and well everyone else in the fam would never have issues remembering the birthday. 😉
I hope you feel better soon.
I have been waaaaaaiting to hear this post from you! I'm so excited for you guys!
And I wish I had some advice to help you with the morning sickness, but I don't. All I can say is I hope it all passes soon and leaves you able to enjoy this pregnancy!
Can't wait you see your bump!
This is such an exciting post! I will be 9 weeks on Tuesday, my due date is 11/15! I've also been horribly sick once again with this jelly bean. Actually so sick that I have popped blood vessels in my eyes. It's pathetic. =/ If you find any good remedies, let me know!!
Your little nugget and I might share the same b'day then! I was born 11-11-85. Best part if that's true is that your baby will get their birthday off from school every year….Veteran's day!
I was never sick with my son and I've been so sick with this sweet baby that I've lost 12lbs and it's a girl. So maybe it's the same for you? I'm almost 20 weeks and still have some sickness but one of the OB's I used to work with recommends red hots he says the cinnamon helps. And I did alot of the prego drops from motherhood maternity. Hope you feel better soon. And Congratulations again!!
I just gotta say, I am so looking forward to the Fashion Fridays – Preggo Addition! I am 21 weeks preggo and I sure could use some inspiration! My favorite posts of yours are the fashion ones, so I hope that you continue them throughout the pregnancy!
MAybe its a girl!! I was never sick with Blake…and then with Livi it was death!!!! I was SOOOOOO sick….hope that you feel better soon! xoxoxo
I hope the MS subsides soon!! I had it for almost my entire pregnancy with both. Not fun!! 🙁
Congrats girlie!!!!
Congrats! I am due 11.13.11 !! I've been following for quite some time now & am thrilled to hear your news!