Hi! I’m Molly. I’m a born and raised southern gal, who has been displaced to all parts of the country (New York, California, Washington DC, North Carolina) and currently find myself in the Grand Rapids, Michigan. I grew up a preachers daughter and was homeschooled all the way through graduation. My first big venture out of my sheltered life was when I went to nursing school. I survived, and now put that nursing license to good use on my boys scraped knees and bumped heads.

I love cooking, wine, and all kinds of crafty projects. I love to run and have finished 5 half marathons. I adore fashion. Shoes, big purses, jewelry; the more the better! Stilettos and Diapers started out of a love for fashion and has grown into sharing my life as a mom, our meals, travels and more! I am 100% a boy mom and this family of mine is my entire world!

The Hubs
I met the hubs when I was 17. We were married 4 years later and celebrated our 18th anniversary this year. Babies we were.

He is a yankee. A damn yankee, as my confederate fighting grandpa said. He was born and raised in New York, in the same house his entire life, before meeting me. I made it 4 years in NY before his job moved us to San Francisco for 3 years, DC for 3 years, Charlotte for 8 years and now Michigan. He towers over me at 6’3″ and loves the NY Mets and Jets. The pickiest eater I’ve ever met. He’s a born salesman and can talk his way out of anything. He works a lot from home, which is wonderful. And forces us into frequent conference call purgatory.
The Boys
Cooper is the oldest; the one that made me a momma. He’s 15, in the 10th grade and already passed 6ft tall. He’s incredibly smart and is taking several advanced high school classes. He loves to argue like his dad and often times, I just have to end with because I said so because his arguments make so much sense! He plays JV basketball, travel and JV baseball and spends any extra time in the gym. He is into photography and videography and manages some social accounts for his school. He makes incredible post game hype videos and really cool images for different sports teams.
Callan is 12 and in the 6th grade. He’s an all around stud that plays travel baseball and basketball and did great playing his first season of football with his school team this year. He has such a kind heart and volunteers in a program to assist other kids at his school. He’s quick to help around the house, in the kitchen or with his little brother. My little social butterfly, he loves spending time with his friends and can often be found in a big group of neighbor kids playing outside. On top of that goodness, he’s got straight A’s in this last year before middle school. I only have about 2″ until he is beyond me in height! He loves art and has recently taken up an interest in cooking!
Lincoln is in the 2nd grade and his whole school education has been here in Michigan. He’s 8, but his vocabulary would make you think he’s much older! He’s an avid reader and has a library in his room that he often invites us to check books out of. It’s hard keeping books for him since he blows through them so quickly! He is thriving in school and is far ahead for his grade. He plays basketball and baseball and will be happy to tell you that he dominates in them both. He is currently bigger than both his brothers were at this age, so it will be interesting to see if little brother beats out the big ones eventually!
Stilettos and Diapers has been around since January of 2009. I’m so grateful that a hobby turned into a career and to be able to do what I love. Thank you so much for being here!