Ahhh. Finally. Last week was crazy. I had playgroup at my house for the first time. That meant 7 babies under 13 months, plus their mommies. I cleaned like I have OCD and baked muffins. It went really well, and no one even commented on the second shelf of the entertainment center being white with dust. (How did I miss that?) The next day, me and 2 other mommies hosted the end of the year barbeque for our Mom’s Club. There were 60 people and tons of food. My blood pressure was through the roof all week while we tried to get all the details perfect. Thank goodness my sis was with me for the Costco trip. We filled 2 carts full and barely fit everything in the car. I did score the extra potato salad which is practically worth all the trouble. That stuff is delish.
This week is all about re cooping. The hubs is off to Chicago for work and Whit and I are going to do alot of this.
We started off this morning with Panera and our second over 1 hour trip to Target. I am loving having a partner in crime here with me!
On another (and more important) note, Cooper is walking! He loves to walk holding our hands and constantly wants to get down now. It is super awesome while he is squirming to get down while I am climbing 3 flights of stairs. The most he has done himself is 6 or 7 steps in a row. Our neighbors keep hearing spontaneous burst of cheering and clapping. I think they love it. Ha! The best is when Cooper grins huge and claps for himself when he is done. Adorable. Then he throws a plate of ketchup covered hot dog on the floor and flashes that same grin. Thank you, my sweet one!
Aww…he's walking….how amazing!!!
Have fun recooping girl! Shopping, wine and ice cream…sounds like total awesomeness to me!
LOVE your new header!!! So.darn.cute!!
Congrats on the walking…it will keep you on your toes!!!
congrats little man on walking…. Have fun with his new found energy 😉
Take Care
Congrats Cooper (and mama)!
Aww that is awesome! And I am sooo happy that last week is done and gone now! I am sure the BBQ was a success! It's all over once they start walking!
That is awesome he is walking. Hope you have a good time with you sister.
Yay for walking! Encourage the heck out of it b/c my 19 month old thinks his legs are broken and has to be carried even though he can run all over the place!
So great to have a partner in crime at Target. Shopping is always so much better with a friend…even if he happens to be a toddler. 🙂
Very fun post.
Go Cooper!! Just wait until he starts running! And running away from you carrying his plate of ketchup!! 🙂