This is the week I decided that my scrub tops are way too miserable to wear anymore. My pants are still hanging in there, but we’re going with T-shirts for my every-other-weekend big girl job from here on out. I also like that I look like a pregnant nurse, not just one that eats her way through the night shift. (As I’m on my 3rd muffin of the night)
(And apparently, we’re also going with grainy cell phone pics over the self timer ones.)
How Far Along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: 6 inches. A large mango.
Total Weight Gain: Still holding at 10 lbs. I started walking with my neighbor who has a 9 week old and we are power walking 2.5 miles every weekday. That seems to have halted the weight gain!
Maternity Clothes: Still a mixture.
Gender: This should be my last week not knowing! I can’t wait until Thursday!
Movement: Those wiggles are getting a bit stronger. Especially right when I fall asleep. I guess I’m getting prepared. Hehe.
Sleep: Interrupted. I think its time to invest in a body pillow.
What I miss: Normal energy. I haven’t gotten the 2nd trimester burst everyone talks about, but I’m holding out hope.
Cravings: Still lots of fruit, popsicles and ice. I’m the girl in the drive thru that just ordered a large ice and nothing else.
Symptoms: I’m achy! My hips and back feel like I’m 90. Pregnancy is a doozy.
What I’m looking forward to: Finding out the gender this week and getting my shop on!
Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend!
Ahhh mama!!! You are looking SO adorable. And I miss you, and I miss this place. And I need to come often and comment often.
Get back to the usual! lol
Super cute! Good idea on the walking… it'll be nice to have a routine although I'm sure it'll prove to be less fun in the coming months. 🙂
You look great Molly! How is it possible you are half way through this pregnancy already? I hope some energy visits you soon. And some good sleep. 🙂
You look so great! Can't wait to hear what Baby #2 is!
Awww…you look so good!! And what a week…figuring out what the gender is for Baby#2!!!
I ate ice so much with my second. I still think it's a girl. 🙂
Im thinking girl! You look fabulous mama!
I totally hear you on the scrub tops! I hate them. My scrub pants are giving me a really hard time now…so tight on my belly when I sit down. I decided to try moving up to a medium…BIG mistake…two of me could have fit in them! You look super cute and can't wait for you to find our the gender 🙂
I have been reading your journal for a few weeks now and had NO idea you were a nurse?? What type of nursing do you do??
you look so cute! can't wait to see what you are having!
I was JUST thinking about how the pops from baby are getting more noticeable, thank God. It keeps me from poking at my belly all the time wanting him/her to move.
I got my boppy full-sized maternity pillow last week go get it. It will change your life. Also, baths have been helping a TON with the joint/back pain issues.
I feel SO anxious knowing that we should know gender Thursday. I cannot WAIT. So excited (for both of us)
So cute! You know I never did hear what your "big girl" job is! Spill!
Awww– you look so cute!!
Excited to hear what you're having! You look GREAT! 🙂
You look so cute! I can't wait to hear what you're having!
You are such a cute preggo lady! If I looked like that when I was pregnant I would have a lot more babies. (I have one). Keep it up:)
Can't wait to see you & that cute little bump!!!
you look great! Congrats on your little man!