This is what I wore for a big, special outing. Aka, Doctor’s appointment.
I’m getting HUGE.
It doesn’t even matter if your favorite shoes are from the little girls department of Target.
New hair! Got about 4 inches cut off and lots of layers put in while we were on vacation!
How far along: 29 weeks!
Size of baby: Same as a butternut squash. 2.5 lbs is the average, BUT, my ultrasound this week measured baby at 3lbs 9oz! Yeahhhh, boy! I’m growing a linebacker!
Total Weight Gain: 25lb…OMG.
Maternity Clothes: Oh, yeah.
Gender: Sweet baby boy!
Movement: Plenty!
Sleep: Great! Love my body pillow!
What I miss: Still missing the skinnies. And missing going out and someone not gawking at the fact that I’m not due until November.
Cravings: Nothing new this week. I am totally sure next week will bring me something new. Hehe.
Symptoms: Well, this week got exciting. I’ve been having lots of Braxton-Hicks lately. On Wednesday, they got pretty intense and I got scared. Called my Doc and she sent me to the hospital. (I was pretty upset because I didn’t have time for all that non-sense) They monitored me for a while, but I wasn’t leaking amniotic fluid and baby looked great. So they sent me home on modified bed rest. Having gone through this same thing with Cooper, I just cringed. How am I really supposed to relax and have my feet up for 10 hours a day with a 3 year old?!? Insanity. So, at my follow up appointment the next day, the Doctor told me no more work either. How am I supposed to justify buying ridiculously overpriced tiny baby clothes if I’m not working?
What I’m looking forward to: Now, I’m just looking forward to 37 weeks when I can move around again. And taking myself to the store to get peanut brittle ice cream. Its the important things in life, right?
Outfit Deets:
Shirt: Liz Lange (Maternity)
Tank: Ross (Non-Maternity)
Shorts: Ross (Non-Maternity)
Sandals: Target
Watch: Christmas gift
Sunnies: Coach
I just got a call from our insurance company telling us we are in the line of hurricane Irene. (Thanks Dr obvious) We will be stocking up and bunkering down for the weekend like all you east coast friends! Don’t y’all forget redbox movies, hot chocolate, popcorn and charging up your camera batteries! Stir crazy kids make for good pictures. Hehe.
Happy Friday, Y’all!
I can't get over how fabulous you look!
You look great- I was on bed rest from 30 to 37 weeks with my second son, (my first one was 3 like Cooper.) It is tough, especially with a busy toddler, try and get all the help you can, and hang in there-
(whenever I read butternut squash I always want to say squatternut bash- I'm a Friends junkie 🙂
Yes ma'am! You look great.. if you have a small generator.. it could be a lifesaver as far as coffee, cooking a little, charging phones, etc. Or atleast fill your cars up so you can charge things in there! and leave your garage doors open- in case you need to make a quick getaway, if the power is out!
I wish my feet were small enough to shop in the little girls' section.
With Drew, I had NO contractions. No braxton-hicks, nothing; not even a twinge until they broke my water. So when I started feeling serious PAIN with Nathan at only 6.5 months, I freaked.out. I was even dialating so the Dr put me on light bedrest.
Yeah. Tell that to the 2 year old who still expected his Mommy to carry him & chase him around. So not fun.
And you are NOT huge. You're adorably pregnant!
I had modified bed rest with my second, it sucked!!
"Thanks Dr. Obvious" Hahah! Love that. Hope you guys stay safe and that you may not get bombarded as much as expected.
you are like the HOTTEST momma eva!!! Like seriously gorg girl. i'm so mad your thighs don't rub at 29 weeks and mine rub at -0 weeks. haha
Still looking HOTT mama!! You are getting closer :)….eek. I cant wait!
Woo hoo you look great! You look better pregnant than I do fetus-less.
you look so beautiful!
You are adorable! Tell baby Sam I love him. And I'm totally stealing those sunglasses from you when I come… get ready. <3
So cute!
Love your new hairs!