1 month stats:
Weight: 9lbs 7oz (up from 7lbs 3 oz at birth!)
Length: 22 1/4″
Eating: Nursing every 3-4 hours, sometimes stretching to 5 at night.
Sleeping: 3-5 hour stretches, usually waking up 1-2 times a night. He sleeps the best in his carseat with some noise in the background. Guess his loud brothers prepped him to love the loud sounds!
Likes: Being swaddled, going outside, bouncing and hearing music or the shower on.
Dislikes: Sleeping flat on his back, cold baby wipes, (my first that seemed bothered by them) and when it’s quiet!
I love this Onesie and Milestone Sticker Set from Bella Tunno. Each month’s picture, Lincoln will wear the same onesie and all I have to do is put the sticker on the front. It will be such a fun collage of pictures once he’s the big 1 year! Bella Tunno is offering you 25% off with the code: STILETTOSMAMA25
Happy 1 month Birthday, Lincoln!
Congrats, he's so gorgeous!