My little Lincoln is 2 months old! In true 3rd child fashion, this happened over a week ago and I’m just getting around to posting it…whoops.
I can’t get over how cute this sad face is and feel guilty for smiling at it at the same time!
2 month stats:
Weight: 10lbs 14.5oz
Length: 23″
Eating: Nursing every 3-4 hours, with the exception of the past few days. I think he’s been having a growth spurt, because I’m lucky to get to 3 hours during the day and even less at night.
Sleeping: If I wrote this yesterday, he’s sleeping great! Up just 1-2 times a night. Last night, I got 1-2 hours of sleep. All night long. I’m currently an all night buffet. I’m tired, but it’s so much easier this time around, knowing this phase doesn’t last long.
Likes: Laying in his boppy pillow with his brothers talking to him, looking at the ceiling fans, Elevation worship radio and the swing in my bathroom.
Dislikes: Sleeping flat,
New this month: I was so excited to see smiles! He grins a lot, especially in the morning. He’s also cooing, which is the most precious thing! He went to church for the first time, even though I’m not ready to put him in the nursery. He’s also getting much more alert and lifting his head to check everything out. He pushes up on his feet when I stand him in my lap and keeps going up and down. I guess he may need a jumper from Santa!
He reminds me so much of Callan.. And such a cutie!