This past week has been quite the whirlwind. I guess that is normal post baby! I woke up this morning, not believing that little Lincoln has been in our family for a whole week. Needless to say, today was MUCH less stressful than last Friday!
I will tell you all about the birth at some point when I have more than 5 minutes at the computer, but it was pretty scary. I’m glad it’s over. We had to get in a quick selfie before they took me back to the OR.
Despite all the delivery drama, the moment they put a fresh baby on your chest is the most magical thing in all of life.
We spent a lot of time checking Lincoln out, trying to decide who he looks like. Jury’s out on this one. I see both boys in him and will have to pull out the other’s newborn pictures and compare.
Having the boys come and meet their little brother was so fun. They wore the biggest grins into the room and couldn’t wait to get their hands on the baby. Cooper is especially fond of Lincoln and wants to hold him all the time. Poor boy came down with strep this week, so it’s been interesting trying to keep everyone separated for the past 3 days.
More staring. More snuggles. Mores baby kisses.
This was the morning we left the hospital, just waiting on the discharge papers. I can’t believe I finally got a baby with my dark hair! Maybe people won’t ask if he’s mine like they have the other boys!
Leaving the hospital was great. The view from the 8th floor of our beautiful city wasn’t so bad, either.
I feel like I went to the hospital in the summer and left in the fall. So, I had to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte on the way home!
Obligatory first walk into the house picture. I have one of The Hubs holding all the boys like this and I think it’s kind of fun that they’ve all come home to different houses, in different states.
We rang the bell and moved away and Cooper opened the door to a baby on the step! I love his little grin in this picture!
The Hubs just set up my computer downstairs in his office since I can’t climb the stairs on a regular basis. It’s nice and quiet in here and I don’t think I’m ever leaving.
This is the 40 week bump picture! I’ve been taking a picture in a black tank top almost every week of the pregnancy, so this was a fun finish. I can’t believe he was inside me!
Last night, we were all on the couch and I had to capture this moment with all of my boys. My heart is so full, y’all.
I’ve managed 2 showers this week and have put real clothes on 3 times, I think. It’s the little victories! All my other time has been spent nursing and trying to hang out with my big boys. I definitely feel the pull in many directions and will have to make time with each boy a big focus. Overall, life is really good. I’m trying to figure out how to make it to Cooper’s first baseball game of the season this weekend, without people touching the baby. Not sure that’s going to happen!
Happy Friday, y’all!
I LOVE that photo of all the boys on the couch. So sweet and precious. There really are no words. Re: the game… wear him? Do you have a Moby or some other type of wrap carrier where he would be right next to you? Or, if you keep him in the car seat next to you, drape the cover or blanket over the top. I don't let people touch them either but on the other hand, touching his toes or something is probably ok. Good luck! You all look wonderful and hope all is going well… it's such a whirlwind!
I always worry babies to keep people from touching them! Even at church 🙂
I forgot you had a section! Probably makes that more difficult this early. Maybe hubby can 🙂
What gorgeous pictures! You were a suggestion on bloglovin' and I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog. I'm very familiar with that view – my mama was a nurse on that 8th floor for many years, I've been to visit her and the squishy babies and seen that view so many times as a kid! Congratulations! ~ Meredith ~
Girl you are like superwoman! I wish I had documented my son's birth as well as you did, but I was just in so much pain from my c-section, I just wanted to be home NOW. I hope that you're able to get some sleep in between the three boys. 🙂
Oh Molly, he's such a doll… and a beautiful addition to a beautiful family. Congrats!