This was “Room Divas”. Me and 2 other girls shared this room within a big, gorgeous suite. It made you a bit dizzy to look out the window because it was so high up.
The bride, Jen, is absolutely one of the sweetest people I know. Her fiancé and my hubs are part of a trio of guys that all grew up together in NY and have stayed very close all these years.
The third part to that trio married this gal, who I just love. I spent a lot of time with that group of boys when I was first engaged to the hubs and I love that I now have dear friends in their women!
On the way down, we stopped to play some of the slot machines. I, of course, went to one named “Shimmer” because it was all pretty and shiny. I put in a free $10 card the casino had given me and 4 buttons later, I had made $250. There was excessive screaming and party horn blowing by me. I grabbed that card out and ran to the cashier as fast as my pink 5″ heels would take me! (Which I forgot to get a picture of. Shame on me!)
Then we got to our fancy little table as soon as the club opened and danced. And danced. And danced till they closed. Until too late to find nachos to eat. Because that’s all I really cared about at 3am.
Obviously come the next morning, I was starving. I mean, I must have burned 1,000 calories just dancing, right? So I ordered 2 breakfast. And I ate it all. It was a whole cheat weekend and there was no way I was giving up bacon or sugary french toast.
With my glow stick tube and party horn still in hand, I drove home, dancing all the way. Yes, just like the hamsters from the commercial. Colorful lights flashing and all. Except unlike the hamsters, I only had 3/4 of a set of someone else’s eyelashes still attached to me.
Thanks, Jen, for the fabulous #jensbachbash weekend! I can’t wait for the wedding!
This entire post made me smile – you crack me up! I could never have hung with y'all for the weekend. I LOVE that shimmery tank and I LOVE that I have that scarf now 🙂
I've had those 'two breakfast' mornings as well! 🙂
Love that tank and your pretty little self!
Sounds like a wonderful time! LOVE your outfit btw.
Molly you look amazing!
And I looove that gold tank. 🙂
It looks like the weekend was a success and tons of fun! Love the tank!
Loving the sparkle! All my friends are officially married now. Makes me sad that there are no more weddings to go to!