We’re almost a month away from my little man’s 3rd birthday! I just can’t believe how fast the time has flown or how insistent he is on having a “Toy Story Party”. I’ve been doing tons of research and I am determined to make this an over the top, Toy Story everywhere kindof party. Oh, my at the cute stuff I’ve found.
This is the most essential part of the party. Bakerella’s Cake Pops.
I DIE over these adorable pops.
All these other ideas are from the Disney Family site.
They have such awesome printables and cute ideas!
I should probably start making food tomorrow to get all this done, right?
Eek!! Jessie hat cookies for all his little lady friends.
This is his first party with more than family and I think I may be more excited than him. Hehe.
I want to know if you have any suggestions, recipes or ideas for me! Anyone else done a Toy Story party?
hey! I tweeted you about having cake pops at my son's party a few weeks ago and what a huge hit they were. We had styrofoam blocks to stick them in that looked like legos (his party this year was Star Wars legos), but you could so easily paint them to look like toy blocks to go with your theme. We've also done the Toy Story party, and I don't know if your hubs would be into it, but we rented the real deal Buzz costume on ebay and my hubs wore it at our son's party. I also used several of his Toy Story toys as centerpieces on the food table. SUCH a fun theme to work with!
Oh my goodness TOO much cuteness. How about after you throw this party you can come do Jasper's 4th in August kay? He's on a toy story kick as well so it would be super easy for you to just do another 🙂
we had narrowed it down to toy story or football… brayden chose football. however…
etsy has some adorable toy story stuff for parties, including some cute invites. check there for stuff for sure!
So fun! He is going to love it!! Have you checked out kara's parry ideas for more ideas? The parties featured are over the top!!
Have fun planning. What a big boy with his first friends and family party!
This pretty much looks amazing. I'd start today if I were you! 🙂
Everything looks great! I love it! I'm sure your little man is going to love everything you do! You're such a great mom!
The Mr Potato head pops just made my day! LOVE it!!
Love it! everything will be so cute- I love the Jessie hats!
What cute ideas! Do you have an invite already?? If not, I would love to make him one!
Wish that we lived closer…..b/c Blake would just DIE over a "Toy Story Party"…..not that I would just invite us…..but pretty sure we would be IRL friends 🙂 haha
The cake pops are SOOOO cutes!!
Everything is too cute. I've never done a Toy Story party but we did Elmo last year and I found TONS of super cute decorations on Etsy. So you might find some great stuff for the party on Etsy.
The cake pops are adorable!! My son is wanting to do a toy story party this year also. My problem is I am due real close to his bday, so I don't/won't have a lot of time to put into detail this year 🙁 I will probably keep it simple and do a buzz and woody cake or maybe cupcakes. I need to start looking into decorations and other cutesy stuff to go along with this. My mom has agreed to pretty much to set the party up so I need to keep it somewhat simple (don't need her overwhelmed). Love the ideas you have already come up with!!
These ideas are fabulous! Here is the site I always use for my boys parties!http://www.birthdaypartyideas.com/html/toy_story.html
Have fun!!!
wow that's so super adorable. I'm sure everyone will have a great time, especially your son. Oh and you, with all the sweets, I'm sure : P
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Everything looks so cute! Can't wait to see how the party turns out!
its going to be so cute! cant wait to see pictures!