Like I told y’all before, I was a wee bit scared to leave Callan home while I went to Blissdom. He was a total trooper and, I think, quite enjoyed his first blogging conference.
He was an angel on his first flight and took everything in with his wide eyed wonder look.
My morning table only looked slightly different than other peoples.
He slept great in the bed at the Gaylord Opryland relieving my fears that he might keep my roomies up at night!

He was a night event trooper, sleeping peacefully in his swaddle while his stroller cup holders were used inappropriately.
He went to his first concert…
And got his baby wearing Momma a drumstick.
But before y’all freak, don’t worry. He wore earplugs.
There were so many babies there this year. Don’t let having a little one keep you away! I may have spent several sessions standing in the back for fear he would wake and be noisy, but it really was great and I don’t think I missed a thing.
There is more Blissdom wrap up to come this week!
How fun!!! Glad that he was such a trooper 🙂
Looks like he was a great addition to Blissdom!! 🙂 Where did you get your cell phone case? I love it!
What a cutie! Glad he did so well for you.
Sounds like it was a GREAT time! I so want to go next year, especially so we can finally meet IRL 🙂 Glad you and baby boy had a fabulous time! He is precious!!
LOVE that smiley face! 2.5 more weeks till I get to see him! 🙂
He's such a cutie! Love that wide-eyed pic at the top.
Excited to hear more of blissdom…
This. Is. So. Adorable. I can't even handle it! Especially you and Callan rocking it out at the concert. Looking forward to your other upcoming Blissdom posts!
You are one brave woman. How awesome that you took your baby through all of that and it didn't stop you from anything! More power to you!
OMG I was SO waiting for this post! So awesome!!! I loved the fact that he joined you. You just proved to me and others that having a baby DOES NOT ruin your social life .haha Okbye going to get pregnant now. 🙂 lol
awww… presh!
I think Callan was my favorite roomie!! He was so darn cute & sweet.
You do realize that you pretty much have the cutest little ones ever right? And looking good Ms. Hot Mess!
Cassandra ♥
What a sweet little guy! I'm glad he did so well!
Hahaha! Love the wine glasses in the stroller!
He's so handsome. I'm looking forward to attending my first blog conference and I will have two little ones in tow. Let's hope they behave as well as yours did.
Ahhh, he's so so so cute!
SO cute baby such kind of products are very essential for make your baby cute and healthy so buy right now diapers for babies
First of all, your baby is precious! 😀 I know this is a year later, but I'm planning my trip to BlissDom this year with my baby (he will be 9 months at BlissDom). It'll be my first time traveling alone with a baby and first time on a plane with a baby. I'm assuming from the photos that you ended up bringing the infant car seat and your stroller? I have a BOB joggling stroller, but I've heard that you have to check them under the plane and they get pretty beat up. Any advice for this new (and terrified) mom? 🙂 Thank you in advance!
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