Since this will be my 3rd year at Blissdom, I’m going to be doing a Blissdom Prep Series in the coming weeks for y’all. Just a few post with my tips for making the most of your Blissdom experience.
I think the #1 question I hear is, What do I wear to Blissdom? I give you the answer to that question.

You wanted more info than that? Oh, okay. Let me break down the days for you.
Thursday night: Kick Off Reception – First Impression
This was me and my roomies (Heather, Natalie and Rachel) last year. You can ignore me and my “I’ve been traveling all day with a 3 month old/hello nursing tatas” look. The Papparazzi pic (including roomie Neely) above is from kick off night 2011.
If there is a time to wear a dress, I generally do it. I love dressing up a bit. And obviously my roomies feel the same way. But, I’ve seen people in jeans, dress pants, or their just got in from the airport clothes. It’s pretty much up to you. I just like to feel my best. It’s going to be your first time meeting tons of people and you don’t want to have camel toe, a wedgie, or a top thats about to turn into a wardrobe malfunction.
Friday: Sessions – Cute and comfortable
My outfit with the Lorax is one I wore last year during the day. I was comfy and I had on flats. NOTE: I wore flats because I brought my 3 month old and wore him around a lot. I generally don’t. Most people generally do. It will be a lot of walking. The Gaylord hotels are quite beast like. That being said, I walk in heels very frequently, so I’m comfortable in them. I know I also have the option of running barefoot back to my room and grabbing shoes in between sessions. Maybe the barefoot thing is frowned upon…
During the day’s you’ll probably find me in jeans or colored skinnies with heels, leggings with boots, and casual tops with lots of accessories.
Friday Night: Girl’s Night Out – Bring your A game
This is THE NIGHT to look your best. It’s all glitter, heels, cocktail dresses and dance worthing clothing. It’s a fun night with entertainment that often ends with us dedicated lovers of booty popping dancers at the hotel bar shaking what our mommas gave us. Basically, I wear what I would wear if I were to go clubbing. Except longer than it used to be. Motherhood has really blessed my tush and thighs.
Saturday: Sessions – Some more cute and comfy
If you were planning to wear heels one day and flats the other, go with flats on Saturday. Your tootsies may be yelling at you from all the dancing the night before. Same kind of tips as from Friday sessions. The conference rooms are jekyll and hyde. Some are toasty, some make your legs grow hair. At least throw one basic color cardigan in your bag to bring with you during the days. Another tip? You will be sitting. Remember there are eyeballs behind you and wear a shirt that is long enough. Don’t pull a plumber. Crack is whack.
Saturday Night: Girl’s Night In – What you’d wear to watch The Bachelor with your girlfriends
Blissdom 2011 was a pajama party and people literally wore their jammies. I opted for workout pants and a tee, but it was because I didn’t want to wear my hubs t-shirt and boy shorts. Last year I don’t remember it being a pj party, people were just very casual. Leggings, jeans, loungewear kinda stuff. We watched the premier of Oprah’s new show while eating popcorn, then danced and karaoked the night away.
Other tips:
Try to plan your outfits and bring just that. You will get so much swag that you will want any extra bit of space to bring that stuff home. That second bag fee? Yeah, no one wants to pay that!
Skip the purse. I bring a large tote/computer bag that holds my camera, iPad and stuff I get from the sponsors. Then you can bring a little clutch to take out at night with just your phone, room key and lipstick.
Bring a swimsuit. The Gaylord Texan has an amazing pool with a lazy river. While there probably won’t be time to use it during the conference, this Momma booked her flight for Sunday evening. Which means some relaxing in the sun before it’s back to reality.
Because I’m so excited about this trip to Blissdom, I’m currently offering 30% off any of my ad spots using the code BLISSDOM.
Check back for more of my Blissdom Prep Series, including all my tips on Blissdom with a baby!
This looks like SO SO much fun! One of these times I totally wanna go
It's obvious I enjoy a good one shoulder dress… Oy.
Ha, I had one on too! They're fun!
Molly! I am so thankful for this post. This is my first time to Blissdom and didn't know who to ask about the dress code/what's best. Thanks, lady!
I am making it my mission to get my tail-end there this year. It just won't be the same room w/o me. Right???
Yes, we need you!!!
Great post Molly! I am definitely going to bring more dresses this year. They're more comfortable – and like you said, no worries about a camel toe. Holla!
Ah, I really wanna go! One day, I WILL be there… I just have to convince the hubby the people are real and not all stalker-ish, LOL, no offense. He's afraid of technology and the internet in general so something like this really freaks him out :/ Have a great time, can't wait to read the post Blissdom report!
Ahh this is the best Blissdom clothing post ever! THIS IS JUST WHAT I NEEDED! I've been kind of flipping a freak about what to wear. Now I have a nice go-to-guide. Thank you, thank you!
Now that I don't need to flip too much of a freak about clothes, how 'bout a post on flipping a freak with first-timers-nerves? Because I have a lot of that! 😉
This is going to sound stoooopid, but I'm going to BlissDom for the first time (squeeeee!), and I assumed I'd bring one very shizzle-icious dress (check), but won't Texas bet HAWT HAWT HAWT in March? I know we are in a hotel (and the A/C will be pumping), but do people really wear pants? And dresses with leggings? If so, this upstate New York girl is all set! I just need to bring my cowboy boots and a bunch of dresses. DONE.