The past couple of times my husband has taken his car in for regular service, they told him he could use an air filter. It’s not something that is a necessity, but it is helpful and beneficial. We (embarrassed to admit it) just kind of shrugged it off. I mean, who leaves the dealership after service wanting to spend more money? Not me.
My husband drives approximately 30,000 miles a year in his car. He has a large territory in the DC, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania area and drives a ton to get to all his stores. When I was asked to review this FRAM Fresh Breeze® cabin air filter, I decided I wanted to try it out. With all that time my husband spends in the car, one has to wonder about the air he’s breathing. Did you know that the air inside your car can be 6 times dirtier than the air outside? Well, I think that’s just gross. Maybe the guys at the dealership knew what they were talking about after all…
FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filters filter out 98% of the dust, dirt and allergens in your car. On top of that, they are actually the only air filter that uses Arm & Hammer® baking soda to remove odors that may come into your car with the outside air. With all the pollution and toxins we all are so constantly exposed to, it’s refreshing to see something so simple make such a big difference in the air you’re breathing. Speaking of simple, this thing is a breeze to install. Basically, you open your glove compartment, take all of the napkins and packets of ketchup living in there out, disengage the door and pull out the air filter tray. You don’t need fancy tools or a mechanic. All you need is your FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filter (that will run you around $15) and you’re set!
Interested in improving the air quality in your vehicle? The FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filter is available for most vehicles and you can purchase them at many major retailers.
Check out FRAM® on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with their products and head here to download a $3 off rebate!
What are your favorite simple tricks to keeping the air in your home and car healthy, clean, and fresh? Leave a comment to be entered to win a $100 Visa Gift Card!
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I air out the house and the car by opening windows. I also use air filters in the house.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
We change the air filters often and open the windows every day
[email protected]
[email protected]
We just keep windows open in the car and house all the time.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
At home, I open the windows constantly and also use an air freshener.
i keep the windows open
[email protected]
tweet: .
[email protected]
Right now, I just use Lysol, to try and kill bad germs too. I may have to try this out though!
I keep the cat's litter box clean and remove all the garbage regularly.
I like to open my windows in my home and car on pretty days to let fresh air in!
I change the air filter in my house every three months.
I open the windows as much as possible to let fresh air in and I try to use natural cleaning products to keep the air my family breathes healthy and fresh
Switching out our furnace filter and air filters really helps!
we keep the windows opan and use a lot of air freshner!
[email protected]
[email protected]
I clean and dust weekly in my house and my car. [email protected]
tweet. [email protected]
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
Stick used dryer sheets in hidden places. It helps things smell fresh.
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
I use the dryer sheet trick.
I dust a lot; use air freshner; change filters and I open windows all the time!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I tweeted
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I keep my house and car air clean by using air freshners and opening up the windows on nice days
s2s2 at comcast dot net
s2s2 at comcast dot net
I generally just open windows and use something like Febreze. But I should do more.
junerlisle at gmail dot com
My tweet
junerlisle at gmail dot com
I try to keep both my car and home clean and humid free and smelling fresh, I spray air fresheners and lit up candles. I also turn on the air purifiers sometimes.
[email protected]
I mix lemon juice and water in the spray bottle and spray around our home and car once a week to help.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I open the windows during a sunny day and let the car air out.
Tiffany Lane
[email protected]
I air out the house my opening up windows. I also use an air purifier.
I use scented candles in our home to keep it smelling fresh & clean.
twitted this today, 09/07
We use air fresheners.
[email protected]
My favorite trick is to open either our home windows or our car windows. I also like to light scented candles in our home. Thanks so much.
I tweeted:
I use an air filter in the house to keep the air fresh
Those glass fragrance items . Look good and give off a hint of smell
i use a timed air-freshener in my house
my trick at home/car is to use baking soda to naturally absorb odors and i love to leave windows/doors open
[email protected]
I make sure my filters are changed regularly as well as keeping up with dusting, vacuuming, etc. [email protected]
We open the windows to air out the house, when its nice out and regularly change our filters.
I crack open windows whenever the weather is good enough and change the furnace filter once a month.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
We always have the windows open when the weather is pleasant to let the fresh air inside.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
i use homemade cleaners around the house!
twitted this today, 10/07
I use an air Air ioniser and dust every other day
We replace our filters twice a year!
Open windows and homemade Febreze! 🙂
chambanachik at gmail dot com
We recently had our home’s air ducts cleaned. Now THAT was gross–seeing what came out. And this filter in the car? Who knew there even was one?
at home I try to keep lots of plants in the house and in the car I just roll down the windows..
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
twitted this today, 11/07
I try to keep the air fresh by keeping it circulating Open windows to let in an outside breeze. Use fans to spread that breeze around, pushing new air in and old air out
[email protected]
Tweeted 🙂 –
[email protected]
I use Febreze in my car to help with smells, works well too!
We like to diffuse Purification essential oil – thank you.
twitted this today, 13/07
I open the windows
We keep lots of plants around the house, I think that it helps a lot.
i run my fan a lot to circulate air
i tweeted
twitted this today, 14/07
twitted this today, 15/07
using an air purifier with a hepa filter
twitted this today, 16/07
Moistened wipes to clean vents
We always run two air purifiers in our house.
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
we have the air ducts cleaned
twitted this today, 17/07
For the car odors, I keep a box of baking soda under the seats of the car. 🙂
Tweet: 🙂
we use an air purifier joseph gersch [email protected]
I keep my windows(with screens) open often to naturally air out my house. Nothing replaces fresh air. I also have my car cleaned out and detailed once a year, vents and all!
We have an air purifier and HEPA filters in our furnace. When the weather is nice I open the windows.
Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at gmail dot com
Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at gmail dot com
I try to keep the windows open on days where it is not too cold or too hot in order to get new air in and smelly stuffy air out.
We will use scented candles and carpet deodorants.
No smoking in my house or car. That is a simple trick.
The carpet deodorizers work well, also those scented arm and hammer votive (they look like candles) that capture the smells works really well.
my favorite simple tricks to keeping the air in your home and car healthy, clean, and fresh is open the window and turn on the ceiling fan often. But for the car, I've got to give this FRAM a try.
amy [at] utry [dot] it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
fresh air and frequent cleanings.
we change our air filters regularly and also use a air purifier
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
I use plants to clear the air in my home! scg00387 at yahoo dot com scg00387 at yahoo dot com
I open all the windows, give the house a good spring cleaning and have tons of plants.
Diane Baum
[email protected]
In the house, we change the air filters regularly. In the car, we try to clean it out often and not let trash accumulate. Fast food trash can really make your car smell funky.
[email protected]
[email protected]
We don't eat in the car and that helps keep the air fresh plus rolling down the windows.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Do extra cleaning – treat the problem, not the symptom. You don’t need lots of aromas if you’ve removed the source of the odor.
ky2here at msn dot com
plug in are nice
We have ionic air filters in the house. In the car I roll don the windows.
Opening the windows, changing the air filters and using plug-ins
Open the windows, baking soda in the trash cans/sinks, and Febreeze.
We open the windows in the house and the car and of course baking always adds a fresh smell to the house. Thanks for the chance. [email protected]
Disinfecting wipes have been my saving grace so far. I use them in the house to dust and on all of the touch points. I also use them for my car, for dust and dirt…They are fantastic. I am looking forward to reading other tips for new ideas.
[email protected]
The car is tough, but we do use an air purifier in the house and it works great!
I like to use air fresheners and open windows to let fresh air in.
i use a air cleaner and dust the house every day
airfresheners in the vents in the car, keep everything fresh.
[email protected]
[email protected]
We replace out filters often and we also use an air purifier. We have several allergy sufferers here.
I use febreeze and let things air out
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Open windows to cool things off and get a fresh breeze both at home and in the car. Also change filters when necessary.
My best tip for keeping air clean is to regularly change your filters and keep a clean car/home!
I change the filters in the air/heat unit monthly and use a disinfectant spray daily
I love burning soy wax candles that are only scented with true essential oils and don't release any toxins, only wonderful aroma!
14earth at gmail dot com
I tweeted here:
14earth at gmail dot com
I use air fresheners and try to clean my car out once a week
pokergrl8 at
pokergrl8 at
I like to spray air freshener on the curtains and when the wind blows through it makes the scent blow through
I have to rely on open windows in the car because it doesn't have a cabin filter. At home an air purified does the job.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
Tweet –
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
We open the windows in the house and the car and use Febreeze
I open the windows and use candles in my home and use air fresheners in the car
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I like to have a lot of green houseplants, they make the air fresh and clean in the house.
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I change filters ofter and use febreeze.
i use a ton of
[email protected]
I love using a little essential oil on an old car air freshner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I Tweeted:
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I open the windows whenever possible.
I use essential oils in a diffuser in my house and in a cotton ball in my car.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
slehan at juno dot com
i run fans and burn candles..
change filters often & open windows whenever possible
Great idea, but I think that mostly bad smells come from the air conditioning systems, so try to clean it I think it's very important to take care about your air conditioning system filters every year.