One of my favorite things to do is go to the grocery store. It’s a good thing seeing that I go almost every day. It’s like my hobby. I hate though, when I get to the checkout, and they ask me where my reusable bags are. Not “do you HAVE reusable bags?” No. That would be way too nice, and not rude enough. It’s “Where are they?”
I have reusable bags. Tons of them. They are really cute, too. I just have a hard time remembering them. I am lucky to leave the house with my wallet and child, much less anything else.
I just recently organized all my closets. I put the bags in one close to the door, all in the same spot, so I wouldn’t forget. Nope, I forgot them. I even tried to put them in the back of my car. Forgot them. You better believe I am not walking out to the car with a baby in tow to go get them.
Most cashiers interpret this as me not giving a crap. Certain stores more than others. (ahem, Whole Foods) I don’t want an entire tree worth of bags in my kitchen any more than they do. It’s just that I am a mom. I used to be all over things. Now, my brain is slightly mushy, and I don’t remember things like I used to. Well, that and the fact that I am already carrying my wallet, phone and list, PLUS passies, snacks so he is quiet, juice cup, books, toys…you name it. Anything to get me through there without all eyes on me.
thank God! I thought I was the only one who actually had 5-10 reusable bags in the trunk of my car. people are so judgmental 🙁
I hear ya honey! I know you probably have a million reusable bags already, but I use ones called Envirosacks and they roll up into little balls. I keep 2-3 in my purse so at least if I don't have enough with me for all my groceries, I can still hand the cashier a few and say "here you go bisnatch". Haha!
Oh my Gosh, I do that all the time! I have tons of reusables and somehow forget them most of the time…It happens!
i always forget mine too and i don't even have a kid!
i'm trying to be better, in MN it's not all that common to be using the reusable bags but i know soon it will be frowned upon if you don't. i need to buy a cute one!
Okay, I just found you blog and I'm in love! It's so stinkin cute!!! BTW- love the family pic on yor sidebar–too precious!
Good stuff. I have tons of those bags and I ALWAYS forget them. I believe the one time that I did remember them was the one time I went to the store without the baby.
I am constantly forgetting them….and just because the cashiers sometimes give me a "look", I end up saying, "OH GOSH…I forgot my bags in the car…whoops." And, you know what? I don't HAVE to explain myself to them!
What are they? The "GREEN NAZIS"??? ugh….
Over here, the bags are not all that common…although they are available pretty much everywhere to spend your dollar or more on. I have one for JoAnns and never remember to take it out of the trunk. Or the one time I did use it, I forgot to put it back in the car.
I do recycle my plastic bags…eventually. And for Aldi's, grocery store of choice, I keep their paper bags in the trunk of the car and my youngest normally reminds me to bring them (and my quarter for a cart) in with us. Of course, Sat, we were in his car, and didn't have them. And at Aldi's you have to buy your sacks or scrounge boxes as you shop.
Hahaha I completely agree. But I do recycle my plastic baggies- in fact, I NEED those plastic baggies from the grocery store for my fur baby's potty outside. I live in a townhouse so we have to pick up and soon as she drops.
I have quite a few reuseable bags (World Market was just giving them away and they're darling!!) but I completely forget about them, too. Oh well, I need the plastics anyway!
I always forget mine too! I keep them in the backseat, and keep some right by my door and still can never remember them. I don't know why Whole Foods would be so snippy…they give you paper bags! You can recycle those at least! Geez!
haha….I'm with ya girl! I can't rememebr them either! I used to BUY them each time b/c I felt like I had to…now I ahve tons at home. This week I went shopping and had ONE in my car left over from something….but I had a whole cart-full of groceries! The cashier looked at me like, are you kidding?!?!…and then she proceded to STUFF TONS of stuff in my ONE bag 🙁 Oops!
I always use reusable bags too!
Wow…I actually jumped back in fear when you typed "Step Off Me!"
And we all forget those damn bags… well at least all us cool mommies do 🙂
LOL You crack me up.
Yeah. It's not very practical for me to carry around lots of reusable bags, especially at the grocery store where I'd need like 15. I actually like to reuse the plastic ones for lots of different things. They come in handy. And sometimes I even bring the wal-mart ones back because they have a recycling bin especially for them right there at wal-mart. 🙂