It's amazing how certain scents can bring floods of memories. Just the other day in the grocery store, I passed an older lady and instantly my eyes burned with tears. I smelled my Granny, and how much I miss her made my heart ache. Scents are memory filled, be them sad or joyful. The sniff of a candle, the aroma in a home, the smell of the salty ... View the Post
Christmas Recapped
Lets just say better late than never, huh? Christmas here was awesome with my 2 babies! Almost all my shots of Coop are head down in gifts. Except for when Daddy makes him make the Jets pose. My little loves. Crazy family games are a Christmas tradition. Sweet Callan's first Christmas! Cooper not only opened his gifts, ... View the Post
Thank you Santa.
Santa baby hooked me up this Christmas. If you can't tell from the ridiculous picture above, it's this beauty. And my Santa baby even thought it all through and got me a new desk for it to live on. But there was another fabulous gift that came for Christmas. After 3 service calls, no TV or phone for 3 days and a hole drilled through ... View the Post
Ghost of Christmas past.
I'm finding it hard to believe just how much my life has changed in the past few years. 2008 - Spent Christmas in Georgia Decorating our house for little man's first Christmas That year, I would learn just how incredible Christmas could really be when celebrating it with my child. 2009 - Spent Christmas in New York (This was dress ... View the Post
Christmas round these parts
My collection of Christmas event pictures keeps growing because I haven't posted any! Thanksgiving weekend, we went to get our tree at a quaint local tree farm Lowes. (I know, so non-Christmas spirited) Callan slept through the entire event. Its our tradition to get Starbucks while decorating the tree. When I walked out ... View the Post
Our first Virginia Christmas!
Sooo excited Christmas morning! He took his time inspecting every gift. Oh, the disaster. That's one thing I don't miss doing Christmas somewhere else.Who wouldn't want to drink coffee out of this? I feet like such an adult getting this gift. Its time to rethink the garage and it's going to be awesomesauce when its done.He's a sweetheart.And a ... View the Post