Today is my little sister, Shelby's 11th birthday and also my sister-in-law Katie's 26th. Shelby and I are 14 years apart. (From the same parents, too!) Poor thing looks like a mini-me with blond hair. I "caught" her when she was born at home and she was with me, the hubs and my mom when I had Cooper. She gave me ice chips for a long time, until I ... View the Post
1 and 3 parties later, holla!!
Cooper is 1 and I am still in 1 piece. Here are copious amounts of pictures from his 3 parties.This is Birthday morning in Orlando. We went to see Cooper's new baby cousin, Gianna. This is cousin Dominic giving presents and getting ready for Disney!Magic Kingdom...really unlike anyplace in the world!Carousel RidingFlying on Aladdin's Carpets ... View the Post
Its a boy! No, its a girl!
No, I am not pregnant. Not yet. Not for a while. My sister on the other hand is. You might remember her trip out to see me a couple months ago to get over her dismay of her 3rd boy. She was so upset and pointed out every pink dress that she was going to get if it was a girl. I felt so bad for her. Since I am visiting in GA now, I got to go to her ... View the Post
Wordful Wednesday – There’s no place like [Mom’s] Home
I love visiting my family in southern GA. It is like going back to a more simple time. Coming from the bustle of California where the backyards are the size of a postage stamp, to the drive to my parents house, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.This morning, my mom not only made me freshly ground coffee, but she actually roasted it today ... View the Post
One Year Ago today, I was in pain. Pain = Baby.
Right now we are celebrating Cooper's first birthday in Disney World! I just wanted to tell you all about one year ago... Saturday April 26, 2008 at 6 am my water broke. I was 2 weeks over due and had a c-section scheduled for later in the week. I was ecstatic. My mom and baby sister (who is 10 and I delivered her when she was born at home) ... View the Post
Welcome new niece and motorcycles.
I am a new Auntie! My sister-in-law (husband's sister) had a beautiful baby girl, Gianna Rose on Friday. She was a little peanut at 6lb 15oz. My little man was never that small! We got to come down here to Florida to see her when she was just a couple hours old. Even though the flight was probably the worst in all humanity, we made it, got to sleep ... View the Post