What teenager doesn't think at times, I am never going to be like my Mom? I used to be so baffled at some of the things she did. My Mom is most definitely where my frugalness cheapness came from. (I keep trying to mask it as being frugal, but I should face the facts. I am downright cheap.)This is me 10 years ago, so not ever going to be like my ... View the Post
Just another Mother’s Day post…not just another Mom!
My mom. It is hard to put her amazingness into words. She is everything that I can only hope to one day be. She sums up the Proverbs 31 woman to a tee. I was at my parents house last week and am constantly amazed at the things she does. She gave birth to 5 children...that we all know is a feat in and of itself! (Side note, one of those children ... View the Post
Wordful Wednesday – There’s no place like [Mom’s] Home
I love visiting my family in southern GA. It is like going back to a more simple time. Coming from the bustle of California where the backyards are the size of a postage stamp, to the drive to my parents house, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.This morning, my mom not only made me freshly ground coffee, but she actually roasted it today ... View the Post