As if I didn't already have enough to be thankful for, (I mean look at those boys!), we got a really awesome treat this week. After our November 30th close date got pushed to December 31, then early January, we found out that we are going to be closing on our house December 20th! I couldn't ask for a better Christmas gift! The progress has ... View the Post
Weekend Rewind
We had a particularly great weekend. It started without any plans, which typically end up being my favorite kind of weekends. 1. Finally decided on our hardwood for the house. We originally picked the one on the left, but after the builder had some issues with it, we changed to the sample on the right. I think I may like it better, ... View the Post
We're at our house in Virginia. Things are being packed and moved all around us. I keep shuffling the boys from room to room, trying to stay out of the way. It's amazing and awesome that I don't have to pack the stuff. The hassle of kid chasing and answering everyone's questions about what goes where, when and how is nothing compared to packing all ... View the Post
House(s) be mine.
The house we are building here in Charlotte will be the 9th place we've lived together. It's actually kind sad that we've moved that many times, but it's always such an adventure. I love change and I'm used to moving. The hubs, on the other hand, lived in the same house for 25 years before meeting me. I'm not sure that he's digging furniture ... View the Post
We’ve Have a House! Well, Kindof.
We are down in Charlotte right now and I couldn't love it more. This city is amazing! We still have our in DC on the market and will be back up to get our stuff loaded when it sells. For now though, we officially bought a house in Charlotte! We decided to go with new construction again and will be moving in towards the end of November. My ... View the Post
On losing a basement and finding perspective.
The past 2 days, we've been powerless and dealing with a gift that hurricane Sandy left us as she passed through...a wet basement. We checked the sump pump because the rain was coming down so hard and it was close to full. We decided to try to barrel brigade it out, but we couldn't keep up and were left with about 5 inches of water in the ... View the Post