I'm no beauty product pro, but I do have a face that enjoys a little pampering! I don't want to spend much time or money making myself presentable, but I've learned that a little bit of care can go a long way in your look. And it's not always what goes on top of your skin, but how you maintain it! Over the last several months, I've fallen for a few ... View the Post
Spring Skin Routine for Face and Body
Here is my Spring Skin Routine for face and body! This post is the breakdown of all my favorite products and how I use them. Now that I'm almost officially into my mid-thirties, I've put much more emphasis on taking care of my skin. It takes me about 5 minutes a day longer than it used to when I didn't have these steps, but let me tell you. ... View the Post
Skin Tightening Update: Venus Legacy
If you read my post about why I chose abdominal skin tightening, you may be wondering what the results are! Basically, I've gotten into the shape I want to be in, but because of having babies, my skin has been stretched beyond what crunches can fix. I carried 3 big babies in my short torso! I chose to have Venus Legacy treatments at Charlotte Skin ... View the Post
Why I Chose Skin Tightening Treatments
This post is one that I've been hoping to write for awhile. I've had 3 pregnancies, 3 larger than average babies and a stomach that doesn't look like it used to. If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen me post photos in bikinis or workout gear and could potentially be rolling your eyes. I work hard in the gym and am proud of that hard work and ... View the Post
A Quest To Better My Face
My skin is treating me quite differently in my 30s than it did in my 20s. Anyone else? I've noticed more lines and pore definition than I ever have and I don't like it one bit! I've always been really good about washing my face every night and don't wear face makeup regularly. What I hadn't been good about, is regular sunscreen when we aren't ... View the Post
Favorite Winter Skincare Products
Who's ready for winter skin?! NOT ME! I have super dry skin and my poor boys seem to have taken after me. I have to work really hard to keep my skin healthy, especially in the winter. I've struggled with it my whole life, but manage to keep a pretty good handle on it now. Only 31 years of trying... Here are some things I swear by in the ... View the Post