Mother's Day was a wonderful day for me. I slept in until 8:30 and I'm pretty sure the last time I did that was before children. I came down the stairs to breakfast, flowers and 3 smiling faces greeting me. We had a picnic, drank wine and then the hubs made me beef wellington for dinner. I didn't change a single diaper or put anyone to bed. I did ... View the Post
My escape…toilet style.
There are some things that baffle me. Things that I never thought I'd understand. Things that are kinda nasty. One thing that fits in all those descriptions: Toilet sitting. You know the kind where people go in with a pile of magazines, their iPad or crossword puzzles. The kind where people come out smelling because they've been in there so ... View the Post
What to expect when you’re…grocery shopping.
Grocery shopping used to be one of my favorite things. I could get my cup of Starbucks and stroll up every aisle getting inspiration for new meals. When Cooper was a baby, it was pretty much the same, only I had him strapped in the Baby Bjorn and he slept. But now, oh now, how things have changed. I dread the grocery store. It ... View the Post
A 3 year old’s shopping list and a plan.
While looking like this:Cooper struck up a convo for the baby book. Coop "Hey Mom, I need to go to Target." Me "What do you need?" Cooper "I'm going to fly, so I need batteries, fire and some buttons." Me "Where are you going to put the batteries?" Cooper "In my butt" I should be a terrified Mother about now, right? I really don't want a Doctor ... View the Post
Getting honest: One of THOSE days.
Yesterday was one of THOSE days. One that you go to bed with puffy eyes knowing you failed your child in every way imaginable. One that as soon as the hubs comes in the door, you breakdown and tell him you are ready to go back to work. Why did I think this whole SAHM thing was the best anyway? Would a day care worker seriously ever say "because ... View the Post
Productivity has a whole new meaning.
Maybe I was the only one who dreamed of being the next June Cleaver when I was 8 years old, but I'm here to tell you that all my dreams have been crushed.When the hubs came home today, I happily announced (in all seriousness) that I folded a load of laundry, have 2 loads going, showered and went to Target.Then I cried.How did this happen? What DID ... View the Post