Do videos count for Wordful Wednesday? Hope so. This is Cooper walking yesterday when we went out for a hike. He was filthy be the time we got home! Oh, and yes, the hubs shirt say I love Duet 4.0. Gotta hand it to a guy that has been brainwashed loves his company enough to be completely obsessed with appliances and wears shirts to prove it.Also a ... View the Post
Wordful Wednesday – New Heights
Cooper is walking. And climbing. And preventing me from doing much but following him around and taking him off high surfaces. I would have more pictures if I didn't freak out and pull him down every time. He has been on the dining table, my desk and the back of the couch. Scare me to death.Haha, Mom. I'm up!And I am stealing your stuff.And I will ... View the Post
Wordful Wednesday – As I am in real life.
My 10 year old little sis is into Barbies. Last week, she decided to dress hers up to represent all of us sisters. Her interpretation is priceless. This is Casey, the oldest. She is a Real Estate Agent. As she is in real life. This is Whitney. She is baking cakes and serving food. As she does in real life. This is Shelby (herself). She is a Vet. ... View the Post
Wordful Wednesday – My sister is coming!
wwMy little sis Whitney is headed westbound as we speak! I am so excited, I can hardly stand it. There are 3 of us girls close together and then a 12 year gap before my brother and other sister. She was the baby for so long that I still think of her as that, even though she is all grown up now! I am trying to convince her to move out here. ... View the Post
Wordful Wednesday – Is this unacceptable behavior?
Where else do you put a case of beer but on the floor? Then how do you keep your 1 year old out of it? Well, you don't. Cheers. Go check out other Wordful Wednesday over at Seven Clown Circus! ... View the Post
Wordful Wednesday – Mother’s Day
This was my first celebrated Mother's Day. Last year I had a 2 week old and I was milking my time on the couch and meals not made by me.This year we had breakfast at my favorite spot, and oh, how I love breakfast. I could eat it every meal. Okay, some days, I do. Especially when the hubs is out of town. That is beside the point, though. I was ... View the Post