Much has happened over the past few days. I made the decision to leave the beach a day early and head on up to Charlotte instead of going to my parents. I was tired. We were all cranky and I had an overwhelming desire for a feeling of settledness. Living out of a suitcase and bopping from place to place is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.
We met the hubs here at our new apartment and I unpacked faster than I ever have before.
Everyone has their own room, and while it’s all rented furniture, it will do. We were really blessed with this place. It was the only 3 bedroom, furnished apartment available and it really is better than I expected.
We settled in Sunday and Monday, Callan woke up with a fever and general crankiness. I thought it was just teething, since I’m expecting his 2 year molars any day now. Yesterday afternoon, I found out that my sister’s son, who was with us at the beach, was in the hospital and had been diagnosed with spinal meningitis. As I teared up with concern for him, it suddenly hit me that Callan’s fever could be the same thing. Although his symptoms weren’t severe, neither were my nephews. My Doctor in Virginia told me that I needed to take Callan to the ER, so at 9:30 last night, off we went.
He just laid there quietly while he had blood drawn and an IV lock set, which totally freaked me out. This kid screams when you look at him wrong.
3 hours later, the Doctor told me his white blood count was borderline, but he didn’t want to do a lumbar puncture if he didn’t have to. After talking to my nephews Doctor in Ohio, they determined that the meningitis is a viral strain. It is contagious, but it’s the symptoms that are the most dangerous. I had it at 6 months old and it was my 105 degree temperature that was life threatening, not the virus itself. Since Callan is a good bit older than my nephew, his body is fighting it better. We are home and are taking it easy over the next few days. My nephew is still in the hospital and we would all really appreciate your prayers!
Here’s to hoping that 2 ER visits in the last 9 months is enough for my little guy. I know he likes to live on the wild side, but Momma’s heart can only take so much!
wow so scary! prayers for both little ones!
Glad you are getting settled in your apartment. I hope your little guy is feeling better. Nothing more heart wrenching then seeing your baby in the hospital. Prayers for your son and your nephew.
The apartment is beautiful! It looks very "home-y" to me and I'm sure you're glad to be settled down somewhere. I hate that about your nephew, but I'm so glad to hear your little man is OK. Prayers for your family!
Oh my that is so scary! My frien posted last night she was in the ER with ER 8 week old and they did the tap to rule out meningitis. Never would have thought they'd do that on little ones!!! Heartbreaking as a mama in sure. I hope he and your nephew feel better soon!
Praying for your nephew and your little guy Molly!
Thinking of you guys Molly! Hope he is better soon and sending prayers and thoughts for your nephew.
Oh no! Poor little guy! That's great you were on it. The apartment is very cute!
Oh no, poor little guy & poor Mama. Thoughts & prayers!
Oh no poor little man! Prayers to him and you!
You poor thing! So much going on all at once. I'll be praying for your nephew as well as your little guy! Hang in there!
Scary. Thinking of you all!
Praying for Callan and Owen! And glad you got settled in!! xo
praying for both boys!
Bless your heart! Glad you're getting settled. Praying for those precious babes,
Bless your heart! Glad you're getting settled. Praying for those precious babes,
Praying for Callan and Owe, bless your heart you've had a lot going on. Praying for some uneventful weeks ahead.
O my how scary. What a blessing that you went home early. Hope both boys feel much better very quickly and no one else gets sick. Your apartment looks very nice! O and I voted for you twice:)
Definitely keeping the boys in our prayers that they make a complete recovery. Glad to hear that the hotel living is over and you all have settled into your apartment.