Last week, Michelle over at A Little Tipsy made the most adorable fall treat. 

I decided I had to make them with Cooper!
{Won’t take off the Buzz Lightyear PJ’s}
stir in
8 drops of yellow food coloring and 2 drops of red food coloring
6 cups of Rice Krispies
Press into round cake pan
{I used 2}

{I used 2}
Thanks, Michelle!
Cooper wins the 'completely adorbs' prize!! Such a little ham!! xoxo
Oh, I kind of want to make these as well now. I love rice krispie treats!!! And I agree with April. Coop def wins for the adorable award over the treats:)
those are soooo cute!!
So so so cute! This is sickeningly creative… I must make some! 🙂
I am now having a serious craving for these and may have to make them before the end of the day.
coop is completely adorbs! ok i guess the treats are too 😉
Im a new follower of your blog and your twitter! Its so cute! cant wait to read more.
these are so cute and look so yummy and simple to make!!!
i love the second to last picture of coop!! he has the best facial expressions ever!! 🙂
Yum! If I had buzz light year PJs I wouldn't take them off either! 🙂 He's so cute!
holu crap that looks delicious!!!
where is cooper's giants jersey? yay giants!!!
Cooper is adorable!!! Love that little smile!! Those treats look delicious!!
These look amazing! Thanks for sharing, I will be making them for my boys!