I love clean. I live better in clean. But since I became a mom, I have a hard time keeping clean. Its just hard to squeeze in between nap time, mealtime, playtime and do it at a safe time where Coop won’t get into all the cleaner.
I have heard of people doing cleaning schedules before, but never tried it. I thought I would never have a completely spotless house. Then I tried it and its fantastic. Everything is just continually clean. I feel very accomplished checking my “chore” off the list and never overwhelmed with tons of task.
Monday – Dust, sweep, vacuum
Tuesday – Monthly task, laundry
Wednesday – Bathrooms, sheets and towels
Thursday – Dust, sweep, mop
Friday – Iron, laundry
Monthly Task
Week 1 – Dust baseboards and stair rails
Week 2 – Windows
Week 3 – Organize basement/toys
Week 4 – Misc make-up (in case I missed anything)
My entire downstairs is hardwood with exception of the living room, so the sweeping and dusting is required twice (or more) a week. I also have a husband who REFUSES to take anything to the dry cleaners because they will beat up his clothes. {Therefore the hours and hours of ironing} I scheduled that on Friday so I could watch all the shows I recorded that week while I iron and not feel guilty. Teehee. I’m a thinker.
So what do you think? Are you a cleaning scheduler? Going to try it out?
i totally have a schedule! monday is laundry day clothes, sheets & towels, thursday i clean downstairs, friday i clean upstairs & go to the grocery. I usually pick up & sweep everyday…. i hate a messy disorganized house!
Alright.. I am going to give this a try!! 🙂
I may have to do that! I've always struggled with finding time and motivation to clean, but there is nothing nicer than coming home to a clean and organized home.
I SO need to do this! With 4 kids in various activities I never have time to keep a clean house (or as clean as I'd like it). With all those kids you'd think I would have less chores to do because they would be pitching in. YEAH RIGHT! I end up doing more than ever.
I think a schedule is the way to go. I'm starting one today!
What a great idea. I have never thought of making a schedule. I will be putting this to use come the end of March when I will become a fulltime SAHM. Great post!
I've had a schedule & it worked for awhile, but then I discovered blogging. And I may have become a little preoccupied with reading, writing & stalking to bother with such a thing as cleaning.
Maybe we should start a support group to keep each other going.
What a great idea! Except since we live in an apartment, and soon to be teeeny downtown Denver house, I try to do one room top to bottom at a time. Like Monday- scrub kitchen from top to bottom, organize pantry etc, Tuesday scrub the bathrooms…
When I was married, I was pretty much doing all the house chores. I may be the only one male, perhaps, who enjoys house work. On weekends, I'd spend the entire weekend cleaning up the apartment, doing laundry and yes, I enjoy ironing as well. I was the one picking up clothes after the exwife and i'm one of those that must have a clean house before even going to bed.
Good job Molls.
I love your cleaning schedule! I love cleaning and I LOVE schedules/lists, so this makes perfect sense for me!
Great blog! Stopping by for a visit from Tatertots & Jello. 🙂
I have a cleaning schedule and I LOVE it.
Housecleaning is not my forte so I created this schedule to keep me on track. I also have it on my iPhone so I can see what chores need to be done each day.
My mom had a schedule similar to that…certain days to accomplish certain tasks. That is how she kept a tidy house with six kids. I am not good with set times to do things. And find its easiest to get lots done, and to stay done for awhile, to use the time they are at their dad's to clean. So I tend to be an every other weekend sweeper/pick it all upper. Dishes…those get done when the pile spills out of the sink. 🙂
Living in an apartment it's usually just dishes and laundry that need to be done, but I think a cleaning schedule will be amazing when I get a house!
i love this idea! i am totally going to be trying this out after we move into our house because there is going to be SO MUCH MORE of it to clean than we have now!
I have a very similar schedule! My hubs also doesn't take his laundry to the dry cleaners so I/we (he does it sometimes) iron a LOT. Ah well, I watch TV while I do it too! Five shirts last night during the Bachelor! Haha
I wouldn't say I am a cleaning scheduler like you… nothing is written down. But I do clean in phases since becoming a mom. Unless I get really brave, and try to tackle everything while my toddler is at Mother's Day Out.
GREAT list! I actually thought about it the other day – I've seriously been waiting for it. Now I just have to convince my hubby that I need to stay home to accomplish the tasks!! hehe
I started doing a schedule too, and it has made life so much stressful! I feel better about doing a bit everyday and not everything at once so then I can do more with Regan while she is still at home with me. Laundry was the worst for me, so I do one load a day, wash, fold, put away, that wasy it doesn't get away from me (with five of us it builds up fast). I always watch TV while I iron too! It is the only way I can get through it since I detest it so much-
I love schedules and had one when we own a home, but now that we are downside the one thing I do is make sure everything is done by Thursday so I can have free weekends. Also the laundry I have to tackle every week or it piles up {having boys and all that}
I also make sure my bed is made every day, and when I leave a room I look around to see what can be pick up right away. It keeps me ahead of the game.
I've never done the schedule, but I'm totally willing to try it now!! 🙂
I am SO going to try this! With two small girls it is impossible to keep the house clean. I will try anything at this point!
What a great idea! I am definitely going to try this. I just can't seem to find time and keep it all together since having my little girl. Thanks for the idea!
this is such an INCREDIBLE idea. i don't even have a child OR house yet and i get behind on cleaning…i will def be trying this out. woo!
That is a great idea!! I think I will try this…but being prego now I never know how I will feel day to day. But I definitely need to get in a good routine with my cleaning. I am afraid that once the twins arrive any schedule/routine I have will be out the window for awhile and will have to be completely altered.
Im stealing this!
LOVE this! I just created one myself 2 weeks ago 🙂 We moved to an old new country (Canada, homeland) I'm not working, and needed some structure. So I put it on my calendar… I even added "reward: wine!" or "reward: 7 layer dip" mmm nom nom nom that way I feel like I have a mini-goal to achieve. And coming from someone who has never (hold me now) made my bed (blame all the hotels I've lived in over the years for work)… I have successfully made my bed each day for 2 weeks 🙂 Keep it up mama, and glad to know there are fellow type A-listers out there for calendar keeping sanity!
Great idea! Thanks for sharing!
One day I week I scrub my house from top to bottom. It usually takes only a few hours.
I struggle with the same thing! There is no way I can waste an entire Saturday cleaning! Hope this works!!
Looks good! Think I'll give it a shot!
Ugh, I hate cleaning!! I need a maid!
I LOVE that chart…wish I was so "with it", but with a full time (out of the house) job and a little one, I find myself gravitating more toward spending time with her when I'm home than focusing on cleaning – and I'm absolutely sure that couldn't have ANYTHING to do with the fact that I don't care to clean 🙂
Just wanted to let you know that I nominated your blog for the versatile blogger award! Please let me know if you accept, love your blog!
Kaitlyn @ The Birds Nest
I'm all over this! Maybe it will help me tackle the laundry a little bit more frequently. Right now I'm letting it pile up and spending days doing a million loads, BAD IDEA! Thanks for the inspiration girl, I think you read my mind, or knew I needed this. Ha!
I love the cleaning schedule. What a great idea! I'm now a follower.
I have really been thinking of making some sort of schedule because I just can't worry about doing it all in one day. When I do…it doesn't happen. It's too overwhelming to try to tackle everything in one day! 🙂
oh Yes! I am so there. I love clean too, but after three kids; I have almost given up. Please read my recent post about it here http://35daysamonth.blogspot.com/2011/02/its-not-dirty-its-just-lived-in.html
I actually HAD in my original, pre-edited post… my cleaning schedule… it didn't make the final cut on the post– but know that you are not alone!
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It's such a good idea to have a cleaning schedule. I have always said this. Since I am very busy now, I have started using Maid Complete, they are an excellent company and I never have a bad word to say about them. I would really recommend having a look at their services if you are interested 🙂 Thanks for the blog, I really enjoyed reading your ideas.
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