One of the biggest reasons that I ever started this blog, was my firstborn, Cooper. I was a new mom in California and we had decided it was better for me to stay home with him then to jump back into my nursing career with an infant. I loved being able to be home with him, but I got bored and lonely while he napped! I started Stilettos and Diapers as an outlet to be connected to others and to document Cooper’s life. What a journey it has been!
Now, this once infant that I snuggled while I typed those first blog posts, towers over me! Cooper is the kind of kid that you dream of having. He is kind, incredibly smart, athletic and has killer style. I am constantly in awe with the fact that God gave him to me!

For his actual Birthday, we kicked the day off with his request of waffles before he headed to school. Afterwards, we went into Grand Rapids for dinner at his pick and one of our fave restaurants, Luna. They have a family size platter of mix and match tacos and the best margarita flight in town!
Our old church in Charlotte, Elevation, is currently on tour and happened to have a stop in Grand Rapids on his Birthday! We headed to the packed Van Andel Arena for a great concert. Their music is absolutely amazing. It was a late night and Lincoln didn’t quite make it through the show!
Since we are having cake for his Birthday party this weekend, Cooper requested “epic” milkshakes for his dessert that night. I made the glasses all fancy during the day and filled them up with funfetti milkshake at 11pm when we got home!
We let the boys sleep in the next morning and skip their first blocks of school!
This weekend we will have about 25 kids here to celebrate with him, so that will make for another fun filled weekend! I just can’t believe how quickly these years have flown. I remember the theme parties like they were yesterday and now all I need is a cake and massive amount of food! What they say is true – the days are long, but the years are short. Soak it all up mommas, because your littles will be towers of teenager in a blink!